
Is it just me or does Darrell Waltrip get on your nerves?

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Is it just me or does Darrell Waltrip get on your nerves?




  1. It's not just you, he gets on mine as well.  I guess he's the comic relief of the set.

  2. Nope. I love the guy.  I think he's great at what he does.  He gives lots of insight into the sport, especially the driver's state of mind. He's colorful too.  And I actually like the boogity boogity boogity thing. Looks like I'm in the minority on that one. That's okay, though, I'm used to it. :-)  I love Hammond and Larry Mac too. I love the whole team.  Love 'em enough to have read all three of their books. They're old school.

  3. yes he does he gets on jr or mikey or toyota and wont stop drumming then up

  4. its not just you.He annoys me almost as much as john madden does during football season

  5. no

  6. Well I guess its a good thing that DW found a job he could do besides being a driver which had long past him by. I don't mind when Mike Rowe pimps for Ford on Dirty Jobs because it really has nothing to do with the show, But he start to sound like Mr. Miyagi going on bout Toyota this and that. I guess his short lived truck team was a farm club for Mikey.

    I REALLY don't like the current crop of announcers telling me how exciting it is just before I hit fast forward on the DVR. Maybe Dale Jarrett is coming soon, along with Kyle Petty if he can get a decent driver for his car.

  7. Yep, sometimes he does, I think it's his voice,

  8. occasionally he does get on my nerves (especially with "digger" and ""), but i love his commentary anyway.  and i'll take him over rusty wallace any day of the week.  i can't stand to hear rusty say, "he's racin' his guts out" or "he's racin' his brains out."  i thought drivers were supposed to be "racin' their wheels off," not wearing out essential body parts...

    ADD: omigod, i forgot about that horrible, hokey draft tracker. all of a sudden digger doesn't seem so bad after all.  as for ritalin, that's a "wallace" (not a "waltrip") thing - kenny acts like he's on it, and i'm pretty sure it's steven "boomhauer" wallace's drug of choice.

  9. I like him a lot.  He keeps the you entertained when the race gets dull.

  10. He gets on my nerves cause I get sick of him going on about Toyota and Kyle that's all he can talk about this year

  11. all of them do.

    none of them shut up and their acsents are annoying as **** too!!!

  12. :0

    Darrell was my favorite driver!!!! people are killing me, I love DW, he can do no wrong in my world!

    thank you Boondie

    and Tina

    and Smokemsmoke20

  13. No it is not just you.  I mute the television every time the race is about to start so I don't have to listen to him say that ridculous statement he says at the beginning of every race.  

    He is a great commentator, but sometimes he seems that he needs to lay of the coffee or take a sedative!

  14. yes he does him and hammon act like children and are to dramatic

  15. It's not just you - he gets on my last good nerve.  I could live happily for the rest of my life if I never had to hear "boogity, boogity, boogity - let's go racing, boys" again.  Lots of people think it's cute; I think it's kinda g*y.  Also tired of hearing him sing the praises of Toyota.

    His brother Mikey is carrying on the irritating family tradition.  The truck race coverage yesterday was great - no Waltrips in the booth!

  16. Easy there. You just need to learn to "Boogity, Boogity, Boogity" is all...!!!

    Anybody who reacted the way he did to another drivers death (Dale Sr) has got a good heart. I bet if you hung around him he would turn out to be one of your favorite people.

    Darrell is good people. You just need to look a little closer.

  17. I have never really liked the twit remind me of some somebody that tried Ritalin and decided they really liked it.

    Could be I miss Benny Parsons and Buddy Baker a couple of old school guys with no ax to grind with the current goings on in NASCAR. I really can't wait until Rusty Wallace comes back with his "draft-o-meter" and explains how those offset axles work in a draft.

  18. he is a good commentator, wait till it switches networks, and see how much better fox is.

  19. NO I like Him I like his wit and his personality  He also won a lot of races

  20. he's fun, and high-energy, and the only commentator that can put a smile on my face, with his outrageous humor

  21. I have always liked DW, but this year he is starting to bug me. If you pay close atention he constantly is giving his attention to the toyotas and Kyle Bush. Even if Bush has crashed or blown a motor he still has to praise him and talk him and the toyotas up. C'mon Darrell......get off it!

  22. Sometimes he and Hammon both bug me.  I like them both but sometimes they act like children.

  23. Not as bad as Rusty Wallace.  He and his "TV team" repeat comments to the point of nausea.  Like last night during the interview with Humpy  how many times did they mention that he was moving on?    Please !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. At times he ruffles my feathers, but I like him in general.

  25. He gets on every last one of my nerves. Its MRN radio broadcast for me. That Larry the cable guy on there too does too.

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