
Is it just me or does Lilly Allen annoy the h**l out of you too?!

by Guest45053  |  earlier

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Is it just me or does Lilly Allen annoy the h**l out of you too?!




  1. I don't really monitor her, so I don't have an opinion on her. But her music has way too much cussing and stuff in it. :/

  2. Yup, i hate her. She's a c**p singer full stop, end of story

  3. who the h**l is Lilly Allen

  4. yeah but do you know who really annoys the h**l out of me? lilly allen!

  5. I love her! She's awesome!!

    Ooohhh, deary me

    my little brother's in his bedroom smokin weed

    I tell him he should get up cuz it's nearly half past three

    he can't be bothered cuz he's high on CAC

    I ask him very nicely if he'd like a cup of tea

    I can't even see him cuz his room is so smoky

    don't understand how one can watch so much tv

    my baby brother alfie how i wish that you could see....

    Part of the song 'Alfie' by Lily Allen

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