
Is it just me or does Paris Hilton have the ability to lower mens I.Q. a few points when she enters a room?

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I think she is a Succubus that not only drains men I.Q.'s but she drains the life force as well, every time i see a picture of her i feel drained and spent.




  1. Paris is fake barbie doll and she knows it. There alot of these type out there and men just fall for it. You men really don't realize how many women laugh behind your back on the way you act. The "Barbies" are only skin and bones and as they get older it is going down unless they have the money to tuck it up and fill it up. You guys are so gullible!!!! But as long as there are men like you, there will always be women like Paris.

  2. There is such a vacuum in her own brain that when you look at her there is a 'giant sucking sound' and IQ is lost into the ether of space.

    But the brain cells return when you watch "The View."

    The "Paris Hilton" effect has also been documented on women - look what it did to Britney. That girl lost more than her we all saw.

  3. Possibly-my boyfriend thinks she's hot and he's supposed to be intelligent.  It is very possible that she is the cause of his recent stupidity.  Can she get more time in jail for this crime against humanity?

  4. naw, it's just you.  And I think you're just trying to find a way to use the word "succubus" to show off.

  5. I don't mean this to be insulting, though the question you asked was bit tacky, but I must say that it is women's IQ that are lowered by Paris Hilton, not men's.  I think most men view Paris Hilton ( If they even take time to think about her) as nothing more than a rich, spoiled, S****y little tramp.  Not as appealing to guys as most woman would like to believe.  The fact is that Paris Hiltions celebrity lies within the fascination of women.  I don't mean this at all as a sexist comment, because it is not, but, where exactly do you see all of latest information about Paris Hilton?  I will tell you, Its mostly in magazines and tabloid television geared directly toward female viewers.  As for men, yes we all saw the green colored Paris Hilton video.  I have seen harder p**n on Cinemax, at least Cinemax is in good color.  Guys honestly don't care one bit about Paris, but, women will keep her celebrity alive.  With all due respect, you did ask the question, not a man.

  6. she has the bad girl syndrome ,men like this type girl they just don't want to marry one.

  7. A cute blonde will do that to men (speaking as one). However, Paris Hilton is too much of a w***e and she's not that cute. I think in her case it's just that she just exemplifies pure stupidity and purposeless existence in everything she does.

  8. Paris lowers a man's brain to below his belt

    and raises his expectations.

  9. 98#tumor meets chronic masterbator with pedifilic tendencies.Ech...pth(siiip!!!)

  10. She acts like an airhead but I can't believe anyone is that stupid, maybe she knows how to butter her bread?  I don't care for her but to each their own.

  11. Yes, lets hope her reign of evil soon comes to an end.

  12. no, i just think that water seeks it's own level.

  13. Paris Hilton has tha ability as does many other women, famous, not at famous, and infamous.

  14. Don't take her picture to the bathroom with you, then.

  15. Good grief so many disparaging remarks about Paris Hilton. She's making a fortune off you, who's the dummy lol? As for me I like her. Her entertainment act is cute, silly, spoiled bratty but not at all bitchy. I don't know her real personality though.

  16. Yeah, your right, she can do that. Only if his brain is made of jello!      (Hey Cissy, they  call me a Barbie Doll! And I'm Nothing like you describe! What Kind of Barbies did you play with?)

  17. No, that's not what it is. You see, when there is so little I.Q. in one person's mind, it acts like a vacuum and sucks up nearby I.Q. points. That is why that happens.

    Maybe she drains your life because she has no life.

    And the reason that you feel drained when you see her is that your brain is screaming, "No!!! Not that person, no, run away!!!" and uses up all your energy by getting so freaked out by the sheer stupidity of it all.

    Yeah, I made that all up. But I can't resist an opportunity to poke fun at a celebrity. They're such... morons.

  18. okay she is like the skinniest itch on this planet...i guess her stupid rubs off because she gets anything she wants including lesser time in prison.....

  19. It's just you.  Most men don't think she is s**y, just a w***e.  The ones that think they can do her get a lower IQ because their blood rushes to their "brain".  The others, real men, pay her no mind.

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