
Is it just me or does anyone else experience this?

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Does anyone else get mistaken for being an age other than what you are? I am 19 years old but I constantly get mistaken for being about 15 or 16 for people who meets me for the first time. It gets really annoying. Is there anything I can do to solve this problem?




  1. yeah, ever since i was a freshmen in high school, everyone has thought i was in my 20's. Now that im nineteen, they think im around 23. I remember when i went to nyc for a school trip when i was 13, someone sat me at a bar when i went in and they asked if I was going to NYU!!!

  2. It's really frustrating when you are mistaken for someone younger. I'm 24 and people often think I am between 18-21. Sometime if I don't have any make up on I get mistaken for 16 or 17. The funny thing is though when I was actually under 18, people thought I was older - but I think that was because I tried harder so I could sneak into all the bars tee hee!

    The only thing I would suggest is to try and alter your style slightly (I am assuming you are female by the way!). Get your hair cut and ask the stylist for a more grown up cut. Wear make up. And for clothes try to avoid anything too 'girly' (like pastels or glitter).

  3. You aren't alone; I'm sure there are quite a few people that go through what you're describing, myself included.

    When I was 13 I was mistaken for 17. When I was 16 I was mistaken for 21, even offered alcohol on a few occasions. Now that I'm 20 people often tell me that I look as young as 15/16 and at other times that I could be 24.

    It may very well have to do with how you dress or act, or simply that your face has remained young (which is certainly a good thing). Don't be in a big hurry to look older because from what I hear and see age comes quickly. I just laugh when people say I look younger and enjoy it; that's just about all that you can do in those cases.

  4. ya last weekend somebody thought i was 16 when i am 24.  there isnt anything you can really do about it just let it go.  i just hope it continues that way so when i am 50 i only look like i am 35-40, lol.

  5. Oh dear...

    That problem will be solved soon enough.

    Enjoy it.

  6. you will love it as you get older

  7. Take it while you can! That just means that when you're 25 or 26, people will still think you're 21. You might want to look your age or older now, but looking younger will work out to your advantage in a few years.

  8. I'm 29 and people often think I'm in my early to mid 20s. It gets annoying sometimes, when it means I get spoken to in a condescending manner..... but ultimately I'm glad I look young.  

  9. dress-up more mature like wearing shirt instead of t-shirt

  10. not to be mean.. but maybe act more mature?

    or dress older i geuss :P

  11. some people think im 12 when im really 14.i expeerience this also.its not only you.good thing im not lonely about this

  12. Yeah, you can put your finger over your mouth so it looks like a mustache. Then they will think you are older, and they probably will think you have a hormone problem since you are a girl with a mustache...(or think you are crazy for having a fake finger mustache.)

    On a real note, enjoy getting mistaken for being young. Believe me when you get older you will wish people still mistake you for being younger. You are just at that age where you want to be considered an adult and not young.

  13. honestly no lol when i shave i get called 17 so guess what one perk is? when u do get older you will still look youngwhich is what every one wants.        maybe you can dress ur age ur fix ur hair to make you look your age i dunno i cant see hyou to judge that at the moment. thanks for the points thou

  14. Be happy about it, when you are 40 you'll look younger and you'll be happy then.

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