
Is it just me or does anyone else think petrol is way too expensive these days?

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I actually can't afford to drive any more . Last time I went dogging, I had to ask my mum to give me a lift.




  1. very expensive but while we still buy it they will keep putting the price up. everyone is effected by this . you are better off getting a bike then you can pedal and keep fit at the same time. this is what has happened to people nowadays we have become lazy and reliant on transport. get up off your a"s and walk it wont hurt you.

  2. Petrol is not expensive, however the DUTY & VAT the Government place on it is (Which amounts to almost double the actual product price).

    If your fuel costs 115p per litre...

    The actual product (Petrol) only costs 37.35p,

    The Government Duty is 50.35p

    The VAT is 17.13p

    And the retailer only makes 10.17p

    YES, you are effectively driving for the Government!

  3. Haha quality. My mom would even give me a pack of condoms and say "don't use them all at once" :-D

  4. it is just u and us the poor people, petrol companies love it, bp making £1.5 million profit every hour.

    the rich dont care and still drives big oil sucker cars.

  5. It's just you - everyone loves watching the digits roll up on the petrol tanks.

    Get a bicycle for dogging - then you can lean it against the cars and get a better look, anyway.

  6. yes, and it's because companies want to make more money. Fuel prices have also rised to hopefully make people drive around less because they dont want to pay more money for petrol. This helps the environment

  7. Ooh I love going dogging.

    Walthamstow greyhounds is the best night out ever

  8. Just you! Never seen anyone else on here ever on how bad it is. lol.

    guy goes into garage fills up his tank and goes to the cashier.

    "That will be a 100 pounds?"

    "how much are the mars bars?

    sixty pence

    how much is the cigs?

    You don't want to buy them sir they will shorten your life?

    " you shortened it already at that price you gave me for the tank of petrol.

    needs some work,

    How about,

    Like I want to live forever with them prices?

  9. Cheaper than a gallon of lager.

  10. oh no, its just u of course... no1 else in the country thinks its too expensive at all - dnt think any1s really noticed it to be honest!!!!

  11. You bet it is. I live in Arizona and the distances here are long. We're always treated to news articles telling us we're spoiled by the "cheap" cost for gas here, but I truck for a living. Read once that the average long-haul run in Europe was 360 miles; my average over the past eight years is around 2,280. h**l, it's 46.2 miles to my brother's house, and we both live in Phoenix! I think it's high time for a new way of doing things.

  12. i can remember  petrol being 20 gallons for 1£ but my dad at the time got 2£ a week for 48 hours work so the wages now will buy you a lot more than 40 gallons of petrol for a weeks wages  by the way i am 83  

  13. I love fact, when I fill up with petrol, I offer to pay double.  In fact, I INSIST.  Let your old mum join in with the dogging

  14. well at least one less on the roads - cannot be a bad thing

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