
Is it just me or does it bother

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other people with accents, like me from england or my parents from scotland, when people (most often americans) attempt an accent when they here you speak and absolutely MURDER it.

am i the only one who gets offended? the accents are always terrible!


me: hi i'm scott,

random person: ello scott! havin a cuppa tea and crumpets are ya?

it bugs,




  1. It would bother me, I think, especially when people think they are being "cute" by mimicking you. I certainly don't try to do that, but I may say "excuse me, I hope you don't mind my asking, but I noticed your wonderful accent and am wondering where you're from?"

    I hope you don't deliberately try to lose your accent just because there are some idiots out there.


  2. When someone offends or mocks me, I like to tell them how I feel but in a joking manner. In your position, I'd probably say in a friendly but firm tone "Wow, that's the worst accent I've ever heard!"

  3. They are just trying to be funny. Take the joke and have a laugh. Life has too many depressing things in it to let this bug you.

  4. I have a friend who is a native Argentine who lived briefly in England as a child, but moved to Canada when she was 14.  She is post 60.  I don't dare ask.  I have another friend who was born and raised in England and who moved to the states when she was 11.  My Argentine friend speaks with a British accent.  My English-born friend speaks just like any American.  In fact, I didn't know originally that she was from the UK.  Another friend, an American, says the Argentine "chooses" how she speaks.  She says "it is a choice."  You know what?  I don't know why people even give a S--- about such stuff.  Speak however you want as long as you're nice and aren't rude and judgmental.  

  5. Um... If I were you I think I'd get offended as well. But no biggie! Just ignore that ***hole! And I actually like the kind of accents that england ppl say! It's kinda s**y yet cool :)

  6. I'm an American living in London and it drives me just as crazy when people try to do my American accent!  So I get offended the other way round!!  

  7. Makes me cringe!   A guy friend of mine with delusions of being Australian tried to impress two Australian ladies who visited my roommate.  They thought it was funny, though.    If you really want to make me gag, though, use the fake French accent.    

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