
Is it just me or does it p**s you off when?

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people just like the New York Yankees because they are popular and have the most world series wins even if they aren't from New york.

btw, I don't like the yankees.





  1. Yes, it pisses me off. I don't understand when people who have teams in there own state and still pick a winning team like the Yankees. What ever happen to cheering for your own team!  

  2. Yankees fan and New York native here. No, it doesn't tick me off because those people may have valid reasons for being Yankees fans aside from them being popular and historic winners. They may be family of New York-area natives. They may have lived in the same town as a current or former Yankee. (There are a lot of Yankees fans in Oklahoma because of Mickey Mantle and Bobby Murcer.) Or they may have just latched on.

    I don't like bandwagoners, either, regardless of who they choose and I prefer that you root for teams close to where you live. I can't root for teams that don't represent New York City or Syracuse University. But if you're gonna ride with the Yankees, you'd better stay for the long haul. I've been there for the championships and I've been there for the bad times in the '80s when the team wasn't so good. If you're an honest to goodness fan, I have no problem with that.  

  3. Im not from NY either, but i root for the yanks cause my dad grew up there and he turned me on to the yanks when i was young.

  4. Everyone is free to choose their own team or teams to cheer for. It's just baseball try not to let it get to you so much.

    Try this next time you see a Yankee fan, walk up to them and start talking baseball. You'll be surprised by:

    1. How much they love baseball

    2. How much they know about the game and its history

    3. How much you actually have in common with them

    4. How friendly they are when you are not confrontational (usually)

    Yes, Yankee fans can sure be annoying when the team is playing well. But so can Red Sox fans, Angels fans, Dodgers fans, Rays fans, Braves fans, Cubs fans (especially Cubs fans!), Orioles fans, or even - this is purely hypothetical - Nationals fans.

    Try to see them as baseball fans who happen to cheer for the Yankees instead. Once you become friends with a few Yankees fans you'll see them differently.

  5. Why must it matter where you live to be a fan of your state team?

    Ususall yes they are bandwagnors.

    I have grown up in New england so i have also like the red sox.

  6. I am a NYY fan and that pisses me off big time!  Those are called bandwagon fans, who only care about when the team is successful.  They don't appreciate the history of the yankees.  They are all probably rooting for the Tampa Bays because they just jump from team to team.  A true fans sticks with their devoted team through the tough trails, not just give up on them!  Pisses me off!

  7. As long as someone is picking one team and sticking with it then I don't really see a problem with it.  

  8. ahh your question got to me and I'm NOT FROM NEW YORK , but people my Family and  friends know the Passion i have and how much i Love my Yankees, people know i want to be a Yankee Journalist , my life is Yankees, and yes im not from New York who cares people who are fans of teams doesnt mean they ahve to root for their Home town team

    Simple I LOVE MY YANKEES and will always

  9. Nope. What teams other people root for dont bother me.

  10. I think everyone should be allowed to choose their favorite team with their own reason.  

    Hey the only reason I like the Oakland Athletics was becuz I accidently stumbled upon them on TV.  IF the Giants were on instead, then I would be a Giants fan today(god forbids).

    And hey, it seems like the only reason you hate the Yanks is because they are the team on the other side of New York.

    We all have reasons behind our opinions.  Thats one thing we cant take away and why we live in the home of the free.

  11. Not really cause just as many but probably more like the Red Sox more since 2004 & it doesn't bother me either. Fans can choose who they want to & if they want to root for a team that wins, I pay them no mind.  I have more important things to worry about or think about then if a person like the Yankees for whatever reason they choose & I have been a Yankees fan since 1970 & was living in Maryland at the time & they weren't winning back then & only been to New York a few times & have no family ties to New York

  12. Why would it p**s you off? It has nothing to do with you. Mind your own business

  13. I agree. I am a Mets fan, but you have to also notice that when the Mets play in Washington, Florida, and some other ballparks that the stands are about 60% Met fans.

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