
Is it just me or does it seem like there are an awful lot of trolls in GWS lately?

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It seems like there are some trolls out there on GWS that keep steeling and cloning other peoples names and avatars. What's going on? Do you guys think it's just one or two people creating multiple accounts, or do you think that it's become a trend? What are your opinions and how (if at all) can we stop this?




  1. Apparently it's one person keeping up anywhere from two to five accounts simultaneously. Trolling is commonplace around here, but not to this extent.

  2. Yes, it's really only a a couple of people, probably just one in particular that has an obsession with a couple of people here. They're completely deranged. Take no heed.

    Seriously, who has the time to come onto Yahoo every day and create ten different accounts each day, or keep ten different accounts going? And how pathetic are their lives? That's a lot of time to devote to absolutely nothing. Get a hobby, volunteer, get a job, or find someone to date. It's pitiful (Priscilla Hilton).

    Oh, and the new Rio clone below. Is that why all of your accounts get deleted, Rio clone?

  3. Block, report, repeat.

    Here are a few you can block to ensure he doesn't answer your questions. These all belong to him, as does the Priscilla account that just answered your question. I block them all as soon as I see them. He changes names frequently. I'm sure they're all men he's had crushes on. Also, he has a big thing for Heath Ledger and posts about the Joker often. He's fooling no one.;_...;_...;_...;_...;_...;_...

    Yes, the Rio clone is the same person dear. The last link is a question he asked posing as her. Report as "impersonation" and let's put a stop to this. The fact that his questions still stand are proof that our level 3's and up aren't reporting. Everyone is complaining about trolls but no one is doing anything about it.

  4. I kind of pity them. Being pathetic enough to clone someones profile says several things..1. you can't beat the person you cloned in a debate. 1 they are probably over the age of 40 and still live in their mothers basement. 3. Haven't been with a women since Wham Broke up. 5. have iinferiorityissues that a lifetime of therapy couldn't cure..

  5. The trolls are cloning each other and the clones are trolling each other.  The problem could be largely stopped if we all listened to and respected each other.

  6. I'm sure there are several people with multiple accounts.

  7. Somebody with OCD I presume, having a psychotic episode.  

  8. I have no clue. I'm focused on legitimate things. Trolls aren't on my radar.

    Limit one account per IP address. If somebody wants to troll they have to either have a lot of time to go to different computers or money to buy a lot of computers.

  9. The majority of them are the same person based on the answers and writing style.  

    Only thing you can really do is report them.

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