
Is it just me or does this happen to everyone?

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In online dating sites I keep getting winks from men who are a lot older than me. Like 20+ years.

LADIES: Is it something about me or does this happen to everyone?




  1. well i guess thats kinda normal right ¿? i mean online dating sites have always been creepy (to me) u can have a laugh tho

  2. Well, alot of older men just find younger women to be more attractive. This happened to me alot though too. When I was about 18 or 19, I worked in this Marketing Firm with all of these older men, and they would all keep staring at me and watch when I tried to bend over to get  something out of a drawer.

    I really don't know what the thing is, but I have experienced it alot. They may just think that you are a pretty young girl, I'm mpretty sure that they wouldn't give you winks if you were ugly.

  3. yeah, it happens to me too. I usually don't talk to them. I guess people start to get desperate when they get older. But people on those dating sites are not all creeps. Most of them are just people like us. I was surprised at this when I actually tried online dating for a while. I can understand why men like younger girls though. The older men on the dating sites are usually more persistent.

  4. Happens to everyone, they are just old pervs looking for a young mean, a lot of time the only way they will stop bugging you is to be a total $%@#$

  5. Those guys are desperate and they think you're desperate too even though you're not.  Just put "not interested in dating a guy who is old enough to be my father" in bold caps on your profile !  

  6. This happens to everyone.  if I were you I would probably tell the guy that you are not interested and just walk away.  I'm thirteen and I once saw a guy in his forty's of late thirty's checking me out.  If I can live through that you can certainly move on through that.

  7. Not all old fogies are like that.  I am 54 and have tried for the first time a free dating site..

    So check this out.  I get winked at by girls in their 20's, and 30's.  This happens in real life, also.  This is a problem that goes both ways.  You can't blame all the old men, either.  There are many younger girls that want the maturity, or stability of an older man.  Some just like their looks.

    There are also younger girls that just want to hustle older men for money.  There are older men that just want a young butt for a while.  So it goes both ways.

    It's not entirely their fault.  This world is full of weirdness, and you can never escape it.  I never approach a woman 20 years younger.  It is more appropriate for them to approach me.

    Just putting my two cents in for the old farts.

  8. It's happens.  I work at a hardware store and the old geezers are like "Hey Sugarpie..." It's so gross. I'm 16 not 25 and I don't want in their pants. It's just plain awkward. Just smile and ignore it.

  9. Happens to everyone .. perverts.  

  10. no it happens to everyone. i had a 60 yr old stalking me on a site i had to close the account!

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