
Is it just me or has Glenn Beck lost the very thing that made him so great?

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I started listening to Glenn Beck years ago, probably around 2000 or 2001, and loved the fact that he had such good, common sense and was not really was hard to tell which political party he would have supported back then. Now he's turned into a Rush Limbaugh/Sean Hannity clone that doesn't care about right or wrong's all about left vs. right. It seems to me he has done a complete 180 degree turn. Is it just my imagination?

I'm really looking for comments only from those who have listened to him for a long time and have witnessed the change in direction he has taken.




  1. Beck is in fact losing his edge, and is becoming repetitive.

    He is saying the same things over and over, and fell into the trap where he began to believe his own press coverage.

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