
Is it just me or have about half of the questions here disappear?

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Is Yahoo cleaning house?




  1. I guess, but it's getting a little out of control.  You can't even say anything remotely "politically incorrect," even if it's true or not. But some people can say unbelievably racist things, and their question/answer still stays up...If you want to see what I'm talking about, look at "American Dreamers" questions or answers.

  2. Yes. YA cleaned house but they did not clean it thoroughly :)

  3. I believe the Yahoo people can see who is using the same IP to post multiple answers.

    That's why I think that the Jews are not "playing" fair and square.

    Hence the deletion of their hateful answers.


  4. Your not alone my friend.

    That is why I have two accounts and people still have the nerve to complain even though I make it quit clear exactly who I am.

    I make it a point to repost deleted questions and answers I think are important (both as new questions), if people will understand that you will only make more noise when they try to shut you up they might think twice before hitting that button.

    I personally never report these guys unless I know they reported me first (yes, I am that smart "[ ImpaKt ]@COWARDz Love to flag")

    The way they talk speaks for itself.

  5. Half of my stuff disappears,it is why I don't come to this section much. Yahoo answers was down for almost 24 hours and after they came back the deletions showed up at once instead of the gradual rate we are used to.

    Added. Give best answer to Leo,he seems to really want it.

  6. havent noticed. Hopefully im the only one who answers this question so that i get best answer.

  7. It's not just you.I got three violation notices an hour ago-the most ever for me.What's more the opportunity to protest the decision doesn't exist anymore.Curiously though the only time I get deleted is when the subject matter is the U.S. military or Jews.Such censorship is obscene.

  8. All the questions are here for me and Yahoo never shut down for 24 hours in Canada, only had some glitches was all. Cheers!

  9. Yes, it is just you.

    Now, let us see how to make this question disappear?

    Should I report it as a chat or a rant? hmmmmm.




    You know how I like you. We are both too old guys and we are here for fun. Take it easy.

    Now it is a real chat.


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