
Is it just me or is GH the worst it has ever been?

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I still watch, but only by zipping thru 75% of the show!

The storylines I actually enjoy are few and far between!

It is just so annoying and repetitive!!!




  1. general hospital is the best its ever been top me and claudia zacchara is why but i like a lot of the stories

  2. I use to watch GH religiously, but I've gotten away from it for a few years. I have been watching a little here and there and I was shocked that Jason no longer works for Sonny since the guy has worked for the man ever since I can remember. I find it funny they brought back the old Carly, but just gave the actress a different part. GH has turned into nothing I remember years ago.

  3. i'm so tired of all the mob stories. it's over the top now. i wish they would focus on families and love and character development. if i wanted to watch a crime show, i'd watch one of the kazillion cop dramas in primetime. like another answerer said, it's general 'hospital' not general mafia.

    i think if they shift the focus back to what made it a great show years ago, they have a chance at saving it.

  4. I agree.  I think the show can do without the Karpov story.  The only good stories on there worth watching right now are Lulu & Johnny and Robin's pregnancy.

  5. I'm still a loyal fan. I'm hoping that some of the storylines will be over with...soon!  They tend to drag out the lame story lines and cut the potentially good ones short. I'm still going to be faithful to GH though.

    Believe it or not...this season of Night Shift has way better writing and is a breath of fresh air over GH. I actually tolerate Robin and Patrick more on NS than on GH.  

  6. gh sucks these days!!! i really like NS over GH!

  7. I do exactly what you do-I cannot stand half the storylines, get the mob out of Port Charles too!

  8. As a long time fan of General Hospital, I agree that sometimes the story lines are repetitive but most of the time, they're awesome.  I love the mafia storyline and have always enjoyed seeing Jason do what he does best.  

  9. no it is just you i am loveing gh right now it is great.

  10. You are not alone.  I have watched  on and off for almost 30 years.  THis is the worst that I've ever seen.  I still watch it, but I kinda just half hear it.  I keep thinking that I'm going to stop watching, but then again I think that it will pick up anyday now.

    I personally am sick of every story on at the moment.  There is nothing to make you just have to watch it everyday wondering what is going to happen.  Even with Laura coming back, it seems like Lulu is the only one that will see her being Laura again.

    I heard that an ex writer is now on AMC and exciting things are happening.  I hope that is true.  I stopped watching AMC about 6 months ago.

    It's hard to give up GH after all these years.  I hope soon that it starts getting interesting again.

  11. I agree with you. I have been watching for MANY years and the past year seems to just keep going downhill. There have been times due to school/work when I was unable to watch and hated missing anything, but now I have the DVR set and zip thru most of the show also. It isn't a place I want to be at anymore if that makes sense. Before I could lose myself in the story lines, Jason/Liz, Monica and her dearly departed, Emily, Georgie, Di & Max, Jax being happy and even Sam /Lucky was ok, but nooo all that is gone and now there are new faces that they have had to bring in to help us to try to forget that they have taken so many good people away from us.

    It just isn't fun, s**y, exciting or even enjoyable anymore, but I can't not watch if that makes sense.. LOL

  12. I think in some ways it is very good right now.  But I am getting so, so, so tired of all the mob stories.  It's called General Hospital - hospital being the operative word.  I started watching in 81 and a lot of the stories took place there.  There was always a bit of the mob stuff but it was quite minor to what it is now.  

  13. It's gotten boring. I am so sick of the Johnny and Lulu storyline. Please just kill them already. If Lulu's insanity will be cured by seeing Johnny, then she's clearly faking and they plotted together to murder Logan.

  14. it is getting kinda old.. but I heard that Claudia and Nicholas might start goin out

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