
Is it just me or is Obama flip flopping on almost every issue? Even the liberal press is starting to see it.

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He has flip flopped from taking oil from the oil leases to off shore drilling to now he just wants to do an windfall tax break. Did he vote for the energy bill?? Did he take big oil money?? Is this just a way to get votes?? He seems to just keep flip flopping. Even the liberal press who has just sang Obama's praises now they are questioning his flip flop attitude.




  1. the real obama is starting to show and this is just the beginning.

  2. Yep! He has been doing it for weeks now.

  3. its not just you...he is doing it.  if you search youtube for Obama flip-flops there is a whole list of videos to see about it..../

  4. Oh no! He is just "adjusting his position". Not being to rigid on his stances. But if McCain changes his mind... oh yes, that's flip flopping.  

  5. Of course, typicall candidtae flip flopping. He has the nomination, thinks he has people hooked on him, so he now flip flops to what he really thought.  He cannot appeal to everyone, but he wants to win so badly. Wait til he gets in office, wow AMerica is in real trouble then. Wait til you get hit with the tax hikes and all the policing of neighbors and people he is talking about. He is going to ruin the US. While McCain was not my first choice, I would rather have McCain in office than Obama.  Welcome to American politics. The sad part is many people who truly think he is so wonderful do not see it.  While the minister issue was blown out of porportion, again, you can see how he does whatever is best for him

  6. Yes of course he is flip-flopping.He's flip-floping because he's realizing that he just can't appeal to the left all the time.He needs to appear moderate like McCain in order to win.

  7. That's what he means by Change!  Change his mind.

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