
Is it just me or is Tom Brady overrated.?

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Don't get me wrong he is amazing but anyyone can throw 50 tds with 10 seconds in the pocket and wide outs making incredible catches.




  1. its just u

  2. It's just you. If there was ever a player in the game who could never ever under any circumstances be considered overrated it would be Tom Brady.

  3. its just u, brady is the man. give grossman the same position with the pats and he'll throw 20 TDs and 25 INTS

  4. Overrated are you kidding me. No way he is overrated. Sure yes he is playing on a great team and has great WR Moss Walkers just to name 2 .But it not his flout .I think honestly if Tom Brady play today on a team that don't great Weapon like the Vikings, Dolphins ,49ers, Falcons Jets,Ravens,Bears,He would still put up great numbers.Great player such as QB make everyone around him become a much better player then he was like when a team in College hire a very good coach as soon that Coach is hire that player will become a better player. and he or she will be ready to trun pro

  5. He is a very good QB. I think he falls just short of great. He is the perfect example of someone landing at the right place at the right time. If he was playing in Arizona, he probably wouldn't make the Pro-bowl.

  6. Who can call 50 TD's over-rated?  Manning has 10 seconds in the pocket and amazing WR's.  How many TDs did he throw?  30?

  7. You can call Joe Montana overrated because he didn't have a gun arm, but he had all the pieces to use just like Brady uses "The Brady Bunch". Same issue?

    Are you suggesting all quarterbacks like Montana, Bart Starr, Terry Bradshaw, and Otto Graham won all their titles without being talented enough themselves? That's absurd. Quarterbacks do a lot more than throw TDs.

    There's great QB's whom haven't been as successful (Elway, Marino), and then there's the leaders of successful franchises. Don't player hate just because Brady wears more rings than your favorite player.

  8. You are probably mistaking "overrated" with "not flashy".

    Tom Brady executes his offense to near perfection.  He is really good at reading defenses, so he always seems to get the ball to the right person.  He has a good arm, so he is effective throwing the deep ball with Randy Moss (who obviously helps Brady's accuracy with his leaping ability).

    Of course it helps that the offense is tailored to be more of a stretch-the-field, attack style offense, which spreads the field and opens up the throwing lanes for Brady.

    Bottom line, anyone who throws for 50 tds in a season (which is a record, in case you had forgotten) is definitely not overrated.  He may be in a great system for his skills, but you have to have great talent to accomplish what he has in his career.


  9. brady rocks!!

  10. its just you, Brady is deadly.... one of the most calmest QB's to ever play the game.

  11. Your an idiot  Brady is one of the top 3 QB's in the league right now,  regardless of who his receivers are he still has to throw the ball.    You don't go 18-1 in a season as an overrated QB      I hate you people who think they know sports and make stupid comments like that

  12. Haha. I have thought forever! Can you say Choker, cuz i sure can. =]

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