
Is it just me or is anyone else having trouble posting questions?

by  |  earlier

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I've tried many time to ask this question,;_ylt=Av82tTRWi66_zsToAokFId3sy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080902203541AAFD3FF

...but it never shows on the main board...Go figure?!

Anyhow, would you care to answer it?




  1. I've had allot of problems lately. Other people using my account. My spell checker misspells allot. And I often get the were taking a break sign.

  2. I think Yahoo is having some DNS resolution issues at the moment.

  3. Not just questions, but answers and emails too, seems Yahoo's screwed again.

  4. I've had the same problem. It's not censorship , I think b/c I've had the same problem with 'test' questions like "what's the Zanzibar thanksgiving holiday?"-no way that's a troll question. It's just a slightly to deeply ****** up site lately. Go surf for p**n or go to Paper tiger games or onion or daily or something.

  5. I've been having trouble all night, I just started using another account because I wasted all of my daily allowable questions trying.

  6. I've had bad luck too.  My question posted, but hardly anyone answered, and no atheists answered it :(;...


  7. i sometimes get "oopsed" when i answer

  8. To repent? Bind to, Pen it up! If it is knowledge, to know/ledger it, going back on sunday, and saying I know it was wrong, but I did it again, that goes against? Well that is not repent! So have fun anyway?

  9. im having trouble posting my answers and looking at question...i hope that this gets posted now and not a hundred years from now

  10. probably because you are off your rocker. your harp is a string short.  

  11. It's just you.

  12. Y!A automatically scans for certain words in your question(s) and if they have those particular words, they prevent your question(s) from showing on the main board.

    It happened to me last week for two questions even though both of them were perfectly fine in my opinion.

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