
Is it just me or is anyone else slightly concerned about Sarah Palin??

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What is if she's stuck between saving the US or bringing her 3 month old to the doctor for a runny nose. I mean seriously should she be taking her child to mommy and me??

Don't get me wrong I'm all for women and i have 3 kids of myself. Just curious




  1. I'm not too concerned because I know, as a Republican, that McCain stands no chance at winning this election. Palin knows this, and only accepted the position because 1) no solid candidate would risk their political careers on a failed vp ticket and 2) it's a status thing, being the first female vp nominee from a major party.

  2. I don't understand this question.  Sarah Palin's kids will get the best of everything.  The best health care money can buy, provide free by the People of the USA.  Special education, private tutors if needed.  24 hr bodyguard service.  The best expert care for her 'special needs' kid.

    For -any- kid, especially a kid with special problems, you could not do better than to have a parent be VP of the US.  You just don't get personal care from Mom is all.  It's kids whose parents don't happen to be in the presidential administration that have the problems getting adequate health care and education.

  3. Yes I am concerned but not for that reason. That shouldn't be a problem. The problem is that when McCain pops his clogs in a year or so I don't want that evil psychotic ***** running America.

  4. No, not really. There are some things about her I don't agree with, but you will never find a candidate that you completely agree with. You have to go with the one that best fits your ideals.

  5. You don't think her husband is capable of taking the baby to the doctor? What about a nanny? (Which I'm sure she'll need when she's in office.)

    Why are you people so two faced? Liberals thought it was *wonderful* when Hillary (a woman) was running. Now that another woman is in the race, you're all upset.

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