
Is it just me or is backing up a boat trailer hard?

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How can I improve my skills. I just put my boat in for the 1st time and had quite a time trying to back it down the ramp. A few of the guys had a good laugh at me. Anyone have any tips? I'm a real good driver but have never backed up a trailer until now. I feel much shame.




  1. Hold the steering wheel at the bottom and whichever way you want the trailer to go that is the way your hand will go.  Do not make big corrections, go slow, pull up and straighten out if necessary.  Practice in an empty lot and don't forget where the front of the truck is, you don't want to hit the truck beside you or go off the ramp.  Hope this helps.

  2. Someone told me this a long time ago and I still use this technique.

    Put you hand on the bottom of the steering wheel (do not hold the top).  Look in your mirror and if the rear needs to go left, push from the bottom of the wheel in that direction.  If the trailer needs to go to the right, push the wheel in that direction.

    Don't crank the steering wheel all the way (lock to lock) like a crazed person because it will only make the situation worse.  If you get in trouble, pull ahead a little, then with your hand on the bottom of the wheel turn it the way you need the trailer to go.  Remember easy does it!

  3. FIRST  

    Remember, when you are driving in reverse, the trailer will travel in the opposite direction of the way the steering wheel is turned. If you are backing up a trailer and it turns way too far, don't panic, just drive the vehicle forward until the trailer straightens out. A helpful tip for backing into driveways is to drive past the driveway or entrance on the same side of the road as the entrance until the trailer has just passed it. You should turn the vehicle at the end of this approach so that it is facing the opposite side of the road at a slight angle. When you begin to back up, you will notice that the trailer maneuvers much easier and doesn't have as far to travel to make the turn. You will need to turn the steering wheel towards the direction of the opposite side of the road as you back up. This approach will help to keep the vehicle from having to venture into another boat in order to correctly angle the trailer.

  4. you are not in a boat by your self, we all have been their at one time or another, you just need to remember is looking back left is right and right is left, and just practice.

    and yes hands on the bottom of the wheel will help.

  5. Well it is hard at first but after you back up a ball hitch trailer a dozen or so times it gets easyer, whats hard is backing up a hey wagon it has two pivots.

  6. i had a lil trouble my first time just takes practice

    luckily i learned fast.

  7. well go into an empty parking lot and practice remember it only takes a little turn of the wheel to move that trailer side to side

  8. Make small corrections, this is the biggest mistake I see beginners make.

    I run a boat storage facility, and pack them in so tight that you can't walk between the trailers. Backing up a trailer has become second nature to me.

    When I am watching at the ramp I see people push the boat one way, and then make a huge correction in the opposite direction. When the trailer is off the mark a little, turn the wheel a small amount to correct, don't turn it all the way in the other direction.

    Practice, practice, practice. Go to the ramp on a quiet day, use an empty parking lot, or work at a buddy's house who has some room.

  9. You think that's hard try backing a F-16 into a parking spot. But I have this one figured out for you. Go with a couple of buddies, one who knows how to back a trailer. When you get to the boat launch, you get in the boat and let your buddy tend to the truck and trailer.

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