
Is it just me or........?

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Is it just me or is Naruto getting really stupid & boring? I mean the last few episode have been really, well...stupid. Like that one that Ino had to be a body double for a Princess. And the Prince who was really fat...and dancing (just gagged). That was completely stupid! I mean what was the point of showing them!? I want to see Naruto all grown up ^_^! Who's with me!?




  1. You are watching very old episodes. Naruto had filler for almost 2 years so the manga could gain a significant lead, but the non-filler episodes have been going for a while. Go download naruto shippuuden.

    Download azureus and install it (

    Go to Dattebayo (

    oh ho ho just realized what you are saying. You are watching Cartoon Network episodes and they are way behind the normal cartoon. But you can download new episodes with subtitles with the azureus and the above website.

  2. I agree

    The episodes all after Naruto vs. Sasuke's final battle

    until grown up in shippuden

    are all fillers

    horrible horrible fillers

    They should just skip the fillers and go straight to the real story

    The fillers don't do anything except give more money to the people making the anime(not the manga, the manga makers are geniuses and awesome)

    at this rate, Naruto will be yanked off the air before the best parts show up

    I agree

    We all want to see Naruto grown up

    I would like to see how everyone's gotten stronger

    not some random stories that do nothing but reduce our opinions of Naruto

  3. I also share your opinion, a real snore fest. someone wake me when they get to a good part!

  4. yea i do too my favorite episode was when that kid in the orange(sorry i dont really no there names)took off these weight things on ankles and started running real was a good episode.They really have to get some good writers and producers for the show or its gonna turn out like dragon ball z

  5. Thats because they were filler episodes. All episodes from episode 136-220 have all been filler episodes. Filler episodes are episodes that  don't have any connection to the manga or to the original story at all. Usually filler episodes are made so the creators can have more time to create more of the episodes that are connected to the original story. Also sometimes it is because the manga might be getting to close to the anime,and they use episodes to push it back a little. So,there is really no reason to even see them in the first place as they don't really have a connection to the main story,all it really does is show Naruto going on mission,getting stronger,and increasing the bond he has with his friends as well as making new ones. So,if you want to skip those episodes and see Naruto when he is older then you can go to episode 221,where Naruto Shippuden takes place and there is a 2 1/2 year difference.

    Naruto Rocks!!!!!

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