
Is it just me?...?

by  |  earlier

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....or are 90% of the questions asked in cricket nowadays based on the IPL? Is anyone else over it? I mean, thank God there's cricket happening in the West Indies and England at the moment. That way we can talk about something else...




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  3. I have answered a question about cricket not very long ago

  4. He hasn't got a wife any more. Therefore there's no need to buy her a taxi ;-)

  5. Indeed. It's just not cricket. Cheers.

  6. Yes, you are right. I ask questions occasionally, all of which are non IPL related. However, very few people bother to answer them, so it seems they are only interested in IPL, and all the good users have been driven away.

  7. Mate, I left this forum a while ago because of a certain group of people who hijacked it for their own subcontinental purposes.  The IPL is just another vehicle for them to praise their own whilst spewing vitriol at Aussies.  

    I'm going again - g'day and see you later to my old mates like Bingalee, Sharon Strez et al.

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  9. You're right, it's getting VERY tedious. Why don't more of you ask Who Am I  qs etc to add variety? I ask some, but unfortunately there's someone who keeps reporting them!

  10. oh yeah, well Lee started hitting the helmets once he was abstained of getting wickets, poor chanderpaul!

    well, Australia are going to lose this test match, whenever they are put on a track with some uneven behavior or spin or seam, they are in doldrums, good batsman but technically weak , they just can't cover the swing and spin of the ball, its a deficiency!

    swingomania or spinweb syndrome grasps all of them, LMAO at australia , 168 all out!

  11. You are probably right!

  12. Yeah and they bore me to tears too..

    I thought if i kept out of here for a few weeks these IPL questions would stop,yeah right...

    Bring on the end of the IPL,

    I see poor Bingalee is still copping it because she tries to ask a few good Who Am i's..

    I wish people would try to see she is only trying to lighten the mood in here..

    Yes thank god for REAL cricket matches like we have with N.Z and England,and W/Indies and the Aussies...

    Even though we Aussie haven't got too much to laugh about at the moment though,but you know what,i'd rather sit there all night watching the Aussies loose than sit here reading these boring IPL questions..

    But hey they are always repeat questions too,if people had half a brain they would look through the resolved questions first,it would save them 5 points too...

    And yeah i see !!OZ!! is still stinking the place out too...Some things never change in here,oh yes they do,OZ!! changes his name every day....

    Tuberculosis you going to buy your lovely wife a Taxi!! or what?..BEEP BEEP I'll give you good price....

  13. you are  right  But don't worry IPL season is for  6  weeks only
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