
Is it just me who is already fed up of hearing the hype about London 2012 ?

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i ll get excited about it nearer the time but i m fed up of hearing about London 2012 Olympics





  1. well at the moment everyones getting excited because beigings just finished, and the flame and everythings getting passed over, and they had the party at buckingham palace yesterday. it will be forgotten in a couple of weeks. but yeah im annoyed, when the olympics where being held this year i heard more about 2012 than what was actauly going on in the olympics.  

  2. I am fed up with the Olympics full stop, I am not interested in Athletics or any of the other sports in the Olympic games.

    I resent having to pay towards the 2012 games by having my council tax increased.  When My football team wanted a new stadium at the Emirates they paid for it themselves, my council tax did not go up.

    There are already traffic hold ups because of the work going on and that is four years before just imagine what it will be like when the games are actually running.

    It will be impossible driving to work because of the special traffic lanes for the Athletes and officials, and think of the business that will be lost because we cannot get to work.  The other thing is that nobody seems to mention is all the small businesses forced to close so that a load of athletes can run and perform in 2012.  

  3. i know wa you mean its a long 4 years away and the hype has started but they need to keep it in the public eye for sponsors i suppose  

  4. I agree. it is four years away. I think they are planting the idea of what to expect, and what not to expect for the next ones. I think it is too early to say, but I think the next ones will be a disappointment, and they know that people are thinking it so they are" controlling the message" by planting the seeds early. "they" suck.

  5. Yeah it is a big hype at the moment that London will support the Olympics but there have been many great artists and authors that have been successful here in the U.S. However, many people think that London is one of the nicest cities here on earth and i can't really talk bad about London because I actually haven't been there but when the time comes I'm pretty sure ill be excited. As for the other people that are hyped up you can't really do much about this stuff because they will be hyped up no matter what. Why i don't understand maybe that is because London is so famous. Hmm i usually don't see these many people talking about Olympics.  

  6. London has taken over from Beijing and is now the Olympic City for the London 2012 Games.

    Most of us are not fed up hearing about the 2012 Olympics.

    Our Olympic Team-GB have arrived back in the UK and everyone wants to see them and enjoy shouting and singing their praises.  Team-GB have won more Olympic Medals for Britain since the Modern Olympics began one hundred years ago.

    Duncan Goodhugh on TV a few days ago, described the Beijing Olympics as "the warm-up for the London 2012 games".  I know what he means because we all want our athletes to go on and achieve greater things and they will.

    It's all thanks to John Major's creation of the National Lottery and it's funding that we now have the sports facilities which enables our nation's sportsmen and women to train and compete together in advance of every Olympic Games.

    One final point.  Getting the London 2012 games is in itself a big achievement.  It means that Great Britain is the first nation in the modern Olympic era to hold the Games three times.

    Our small island nation of Britain [UK] has managed to pull it off and we are fourth in the medals table, behind, China, USA and Russia - all nations vastly larger than ourselves and all with massive populations.

    So, even though we are fourth in the table of Olympic Medals, it is a very great achievement for Britain.

    Σας δείτε όλοι στους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες το 2012 του Λονδίνου

    See you all at the London Olympics 2012

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