
Is it just my boyfriend, or do ALL men use a new plate/cup/cutlery/pan etc?

by  |  earlier

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for every single thing that they eat or drink?

I just asked my boyfriend to get me a cup of tea. I had already done myself a cup of tea a while ago so the empty cup was sitting next to me. He walks out of the front room, past the empty cup and despite me calling him to use a new cup, he ignores that and brings in a new cup, thereby creating more washing up. What is it with them.




  1. ew, no! i get new plates and cups... that's gross.

  2. Get your own tea in future you ungrateful thing!

    He sounds great not to want to drink out of stale, bacteria growing filth. What a nice chap.

  3. All I can say is "wow".

    Most people do prefer a clean dish.

  4. My man is the same way too....

    good thing we have dishwashers hahahahaha

    please help me with my;...

  5. quit being a ball and chain

  6. Hahaha - I'm female, and I actually get complained at by my boyfriend for doing the exact same thing!

    He'll reuse his mug/glass/plate etc - whereas I'll go get a clean one.

    But I've got a feeling it could be to do with who washes up. My boyfriend does the washing up as I cook - which sounds vice versa to you're situation, which is why he probably does it.

    Its purely unintentional, and the whole ignoring part could be just purely a man thing, they go blank to any thing you say once they've got a mission to do something else for you - they cant think about doing two things at once, let alone do them...

    So my solution would be to ask him to do the washing up for a day, and you keep using another glass or mug or bowl for something - and then he can realise about reusing.

  7. Ever heard of a dishwasher... an electric one, not your boyfriend.  

  8. its all men well my hubby doesn't but my 26 year old son is terrible using loads of cutlery mugs plates etc and in the bathroom he goes through 5 towels big ones and about 6 face clothes a day why?

  9. IT IS EVERY MAN. my hubby dose it to but he wont do the dishes. it just makes me so made.

  10. if i answer this will i get a violation notice,

  11. OMG   I feel sorry for this man.  I bet your hard to live with.

    Just enjoy the tea  and do the dang dishes!

  12. well okay, thanks for sharing that with us.  

  13. No they all do it. Lazy the lot of them.

  14. I'd be appreciative that he made me a cup of tea, whether he used a new cup or not..

    Guess the choice is yours.. empty old cup or full new cup.. :)

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