
Is it just <span title="me????????????????????????">me???????????????????????...</span>

by  |  earlier

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is it just me? i can watch my fav movie twice in da same day and im not even sick of it!!! is it just me or anyone eles do dat too???




  1. Yeah, I can watch any movie I like twice in the same day. I have watched Forrest Gump like 3 times in one day:]

  2. i never get sick of any movie :)

    mostly the notebook and foerst gump

    try mine;...

  3. Yeah I can do that just out of boredom.

  4. The Godfather is played every weekend on one channel and we watch it every weekend we are home. I never get sick of it!

  5. Nah, it&#039;s not just you.

    I could watch the Dark Knight hours on end if I could. But I can&#039;t.


    I&#039;m glad I got to see it four times already, though. Twice in IMAX and twice in a regular theater.

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