
Is it just that conservatives dont want to use govt. regulations on global warming?

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...or do they, but they just think that business is more important




  1. Thank you, Stop Ranting, for my best laugh of the day!  You don't need proof that Iraq has WMDs to approve of spending trillions of dollars, but you demand proof that the grotesque brown cloud of smog belching into the sky isn't a healthy thing.  That's priceless!

  2. Conservatives expect actual evidence before they approve of spending trillions of dollars.  There is NO evidence that CO2 emissions cause warming and even if we cut emissions in half, there would be no real effect as China and others pump out CO2 with a passion and have no intention of stopping.

  3. They cannot reform themselves into a new kind of Conservative one which conserves energy. Solar Power Conservatism  can save energy and help the economy. The trouble is if not based on the idea of Public Companies to conserve energy and make jobs, support education to get more spenders in the economy this will not appeal. Society when it works would be Socialism. Socialism is not seen as good which is strange for the reason more workers in employment  and more money to spend on things is the result.

  4. Business is more important if you want to pay your mortgage, buy food, and have a job. The more the Libs up the regulations, the more jobs will leave the U.S. for other countries.

  5. Conservatives believe that if more restrictions are imposed on businesses, that the US economy will be hurt.  Companies will either raise the cost of the products they produce, or they will simply move their production overseas to countries that don't require them to follow the same restrictions.  Other countries will have a distinct advantage in new businesses too.

    Even if the US completely eliminated its production of greenhouse gases, and never used another petroleum product, emerging nations' economies (China, India, etc) would more than make up for the difference with their own growth in emissions and fossil fuel usage.

  6. Well I am skeptical, it looks like it's main purpose is to slow down the U.S. economy.  The reason I am suspicious  has to do with the Kyoto treaty - the U.S., even though we did not sign it, is one of the only industrialized nations who is meeting the standards. Furthermore, China will surpass the U.S. in "greenhouse gas" emissions in about 3 years, yet they are not limited by Kyoto in any way.  So it makes me wonder what the real issue is.  

    As for the science, if I mention that in the last 7 years average global temperatures have not risen and that it was actually much warmer in the 1930s, people will immediately point out that this is too sparse a sample set to make a scientific argument.  Well so is 150 years when you are talking about tens of thousands of years.

    As a Conservative, I prefer to use logic, rather than emotion to make decisions.

  7. Conservatives recognize the existence of a large nuclear fusion reactor over 90 million miles from this planet called the Sun. We also recognize that it is the height of arrogance for anyone to think our puny species can have any marked effect on changing the climate or reducing global warming. Human beings are the fleas on the back of the dog when it comes to our relationship with the earth.

    We also are prone to advise the "Save The Earth" crowd that there was a group in the 19th Century called Luddites and that group is worth researching to establish that Albert Francis Gore, Junior is merely the 21st Century version of a Luddite.

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