
Is it justified to throw water on someone who smells like body spray(I hate the smell) when they're sleeping i

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Well for starters, they have their own bed. They chose to sleep outside where I usually do. They stink like body spray. They're using my pillow and blanket.

I highly doubt they knew the logic behind my decision(as evidenced by them dropping the F-bomb). It was a bad decision I know, but a good metaphor.

So, I ask you, was it justified?

If you treat others like you want to be treated, would you mind having water thrown on you for sleeping in someone's bed while you stink? I wouldn't mind - but I would sleep in my own bed in the first place.




  1. Ask your visitors to bring their own sleeping bag-- the type with a ZIP. so you will be excused the offence of watering your guests.

  2. You might have achieved your aim by waking them and asking them to go to their own bed ~ or asking somone else to do it for you.

    Then you could have aired your bed and pillow and not had a soggy matress!

    Cheers :-)

  3. you could try starting with 'communication', aggresive behavior on your part my confuse him(he probably isn't aware that he stinks!)..and why do you hang out with a guy that has no integrity, or self-esteem..i say, get the h**l out of their, the guy seems less mature than  a 5 year old!

  4. Hahahaha nope... When I smell I get rid of it, when soemone wets me first I'll be pissed off but then I'll thank them!! and I don't allow people to sleep with my stuff unless they're clean coz I believe that it is right to express your oppinion so go ahead wet them and tell them they stink!! It for the best... ps ask the person if they'r gonna wet you to use warm water!!

  5. No.

    Water on a sleeping person is always wrong.

    Try feeding back to them how you experience them. Talk first. Ask them to wash and give back your blanket.

  6. hahaha dont throw water on them lol... because that is kinda rude no matter the reson dont let ur anger get to u because cama is a beoch so talk and reson it out

    hope i help

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