
Is it law that a store must sell goods if they have been wrongley priced?

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Is it law that a store must sell goods if they have been wrongley priced?




  1. No it isnt because an advertisment is an invitation not a contract.

  2. In the Netherlands they have to sell it for the price it said it cost, unless it is obvious it is priced wrongly. Example: a pair of trousers: priced € 0.29 in stead of € 29.00

  3. no not law...some stores will sell it you as a gesture of goodwill.

  4. No , All a store has to do , is to withdraw the item from sale , remove from shop floor for an hour , re price and return for sale.

    No store has to serve anyone that they do not want to.

    And a store by law can not issue a credit note , a refund is cash or card transaction

    Any details of what a store can and can not do can be read in a booklet issued by trading standards , this can be obtained from your local Council

  5. No absolutely not (in the UK).

  6. they can sell it at the price shown as a goodwill. But if they don't they have to remove all items off the shelf the that are marked at that price. This happened to me in woolworths, they were saying 1/2 price paddling pools, originally £40 now £25, but half of £40 is £20, but they wouldn't sell it at £20 which is what the 1/2 price. So they took all the stock away.

  7. It is not the law as the shop can refuse to sell you that item if they choose.  However, within reason, most high street shops will sell the item to you at the reduced cost out of customer goodwill.  It depends on what it is and how much the mistake was!

  8. Treading standards states that if more than one item is ticketed (on the shelf or the peg) with a price below the true value the item must be sold at this (lower) piece.

    IE Shelf says £1.99 but till says £2.99 item has to be sold at £1.99. and visa versa.

    If the item has a ticket attached to it it most be sold at the price on the ticket.

    If only one item is on the wrong peg or shelf there is no obligation to sell it at the lower price.

    The loop-hole is that the retailer can remove the item from sale for 48 hrs to avoid selling at the lower price.

  9. I believe that the store can refuse to sell you the item, even if its been priced incorrectly

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