
Is it lawful to use deadly force to protect yourself at your home from someone trying to harm you?

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I just want to know if I can protect myself if someone breaks into my home or catches me in my yard late at night and tries to harm me.




  1. Not if you live in San Fransisco.

  2. Well, I know that there are certain laws that say you can't if there is no "show of threat" by the individual breaking into your home. Any unwanted individual in my home is an act of threat in and of itself! There is the Castle Law which allows you to protect yourself if someone breaks into your home.

    Personally as a combat vet and someone who knows how to engage suspects or "bogie's" as I like to call them I'd shoot anyone who broke into my home regardless of whether or not I "think" they're a danger. (Thinking gets you killed). The way I see it is if you don't have a key to my home and if you don't reside here then you don't belong here if I haven't invited you in. Any law that condemns a homeowner or someone who lives in their dwelling (apt, condo, etc.) for protecting themself and or their family is a law that is foolish and wrong.

    Also go online and do a search for Castle Law and any related information you feel is pertinent to your question.

    Have a good day.

  3. That depends on where you live. Some states have Castle Laws, allowing you to use deadly force in your own home. Some Castle Laws require a duty to retreat before you are authorized to used deadly force.

    Do an internet search of your state, and Castle Law, or Castle Doctrine.

  4. It is in most places.  

    Of course, there is a line between self defense and murder, which is not always immediately discerned without benefit of courtroom procedure.  

    So yeah, you'd be well advised to know your state law on the subject.

  5. does it really matter what the government says. if someone is trying to harm me or my family in my own home i will blow their head off and defend myself from any pig who thinks he gonna do something about it

  6. In Texas if the person is in your home, you can use deadly force - we were always told to shoot 'em and drag 'em inside if we had to (that's a joke, btw).  I don't think you can shoot them in your yard - what are you doing in it late at night?

  7. It depends on the laws where you live.  In many areas you actually have a duty to retreat.  In other places you can use DPF.  Sometimes an imminent threat to you or a 3rd party is required, and even then you will proably end up in court, but it will certainly be investigated thoroughly.

  8. I really need to check that one out. We just moved from Indiana where you could protect yourself and family. We're in New York state, now.

    I do know that if someone breaks into my house and threatens my kids, they're dead regardless of the laws. If you don't want to end up a grease spot on my wall, don't break into my house.

  9. Be very careful with this. If you cause the situation or are able to escape from it without the use of force,God help you. You should research the laws for the location where you live.

  10. id think you could use reasonable force but if you just keep hitting him you will probably get in trouble

  11. It is where I live.

    If someone breaks in to my house, I can legally shoot to kill.

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