
Is it legal for YA to send threatening emails?

by  |  earlier

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The fact is, they have no way of knowing whether or not my questions are true or not. Should I have my wife, moo moo lovins's, shimmy her fat butt over to Yahoo Corporate without any change for their breakroom twinkie machines so they can see just how real 425 lbs. of screaming woman can devastate one's soul?




  1. I can see it now,

    FranksterX account #15

    The YA police never rest..................................LO...

  2. Cannot stop laughing!!!

    I cannot release this visual from my mind....

    ....How criminal of YOU!

  3. Even if you didn't have moo moo lovins whats wrong with asking a hypothetical question.  

  4. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA  Yes they can but you know what i think we here in M/D should all chip in and by you a award cause that is some funny shitt right there

  5. Don't they realize that you keep all of us on our toes in the Marriage and Divorce section.  I just wouldn't be the same without you!!  I for one would have switched back to pregnancy and parenting LONG AGO!!  

    They just don't know a good thing when they see it!!

    Let me know when your alter ego surfaces and I'll add you:)

  6. Yahho can do just about what ever they want.

  7. TOo freaking hilarious! LOL...It is always illegal to threaten harm to a person. I wouldnt do it especially on email. Because then the person has a printed copy of it! Think it through ....

  8. I know how you feel, I am getting real good at getting that "feeling" right before I get yet another account suspended!  I always know!


  9. Hahaha.  I almost pee'd.  Thanks for that.  :o)  

  10. ROFLMAO.......oh, I hope I don't get a violation thru you for replying but you got me laughing so hard I almost snorted my coffee outta my nose......and yeh, I can just imagine the damage such a woman can condolences....

  11. Jeez! Get a life and quit wasting space!

  12. Grow up.

  13. Stop asking questions like that! Read the community guidelines-- everything you just said was against the community guidelines. And stop making fun of people who are asking genuine questions about marriage. Go find some better, more productive way to spend your time other than pissing people off.

  14. Uhhhh idk but i really think so werido  

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