
Is it legal for a 16 year girl old to bathe a 6 year old girl and a 2 year old boy in the same tub?

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i dont know the laws of things these days but my sister dose that




  1. I believe so..

  2. Did you mean all three bathe together, or that a 16 year old is bathing a 6 and 2 year old together? If it's all three, I don't think it's illegal, just highly inappropriate. If it's the latter, than it's ok. I would say 6 is probably right on the cusp of too old to be bathing with a little brother or sister, but 6 is still so young and they are just kids...

    Now, if they were 14 and 10, I'd say that is odd and should be stopped, but what you described seems fine.

  3. Why would it be illegal?

    As long as no sexual activity is going on, it's perfectly fine.

  4. My brother and I were five years apart and when he was old enough we used to play in a bubble bath together every once in a while.  We also got soap crayons for Christmas one year and drew all over the tub.  If the little girl has ever been around for a diaper change then it's really nothing she hasn't seen before assuming they are brother/sister.  It's probably also safer since she can watch both kids at once and not have one running around the house alone.

  5. um, they can bathe together their wholes lives if they want to and it wouldn't be illegal. What is wrong with it.

  6. Yes, it is legal.  Why would it be illegal?  If they're brother and sister it's not even unusual...

  7. Yes, but if certain parts get into certain areas you will get a certain sentence to go to a certain place with bars on the windows from a certain man in black in a certain room in front of a certain group of people.

  8. Yeah, they're just kids still!

    My sister and I are twins and we used to love having a bath together with our little brother. When we were 6 he would have been 2. We would fill the bath up with bubbles and play in there for hours.

  9. Yes, in fact, my cousin who is a physician put 4 kids of different ages in a tub together (he has 7 kids and there were cousins too).  He said it was healthy when asked about it.

  10. if it was not legal then the world has really gone to h**l. A 6 year old is still young. They are not developing and even if they were, if they are comfortable then there is no problem. My kids are boy and girl and are 9 and still see each other naked. Nudity is not a sexual thing. It is skin

  11. I'm not sure why is wouldn't be legal.

    I'm sure it's okay.

    especially if they are brother & sister, that is very common!

    safe water/time!

  12. Yes, it is legal.  There is nothing wrong with that at all.  

  13. theres nothing wrong with that! wats the big deal?

  14. yes of course!!! They are children! Its natural. Dont be afraid of nudity!

  15. Yes, I think its legal, I don't think that is in the law. And their still young and innocent so don't be worried.

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