
Is it legal for a Doctor's office to charge a $25.00 late fee on a $10.00 copay.My insurance has already paid

by  |  earlier

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My Copay had changed without me knowing it. The Dr. office has all of their money except the 10.00 difference.




  1. I had the same problem and I sent in only what I owed without the late fee no problem.

  2. This doctor represents all that is wrong with the American for-profit health care system.

    No you don't owe them a late fee. You only owe them the part of their fee that constitutes the co-pay. I think you should nicely 'splain that to whomever you send the check to and request that they remove any such clerical fees from your bill or you will send it back to the insurance company for ajudication.

    And finally, if they persist in trying to collect it is time to tell them you are taking your medical interests to another doctor. Expect to get a hassle when you ask for your records as they probably won't release them if they think you owe them money.

    Medical extortion!

  3. Explain to the doctor what has happened, and more than likely, if you pay the balance, they will eliminate the late fee. If not...change doctors.

  4. i really don't think that you should be paying a late fee. i think that's unfair. i would ask them to waive that fee due to you not knowing about your copay changes. unfortunately, i'm sure it's a legal thing they can do, but to be fair to you they really shouldn't charge you that especially when they have been paid.

  5. Yes, it is.  Part of having a balance due, includes the cost to collect it.

  6. yes, because it is money you owe them. the doctors office should have told you about the change at the time of your visit,  or at least send you a bill if they didnt know until they processed the claim. i would consider changing doctors.doesn't sound very ethical to me.

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