
Is it legal for a car dealership to charge a sales person for a customer's bounced check?

by  |  earlier

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My mother is an assistant for the top-selling sales person at a local car dealership. It is a reputable dealership, and is one of the largest in the area. A customer of theirs had written a $1500 check (i'm assuming down payment). They were financed and were allowed to take the vehicle home. The check ended up being returned for non-sufficient funds, and the dealership took it out of the salespersons pay. They recieved a memo several months ago stating such penalties, but is this legal? What kind of action should be taken? I would appreciate any and all comments. Thank you.




  1. its legal, when I sold cars we had a check protection company that would cover checks if they bounced.  I had to pay a percentage of the total check amount as a fee.  Is was good insurance because I caught a couple rubber ones before too.  Tell your mother about companies that do this, its good cheap insurance, I'd rather spend $20 protecting a check that spend $1,500 because of a roach.

  2. The only way they could do that is if the salesperson went against company policy limiting personal checks to a certain amount, and accepted a check higher.  At my dealership, although, it's never gone that far, i will be charged back a percentage of the lost revenue.  Essentially commission received that wasn't due.  Unless i received a flat commission, then no charge back.

  3. Why do people ask questions like this on here when the only correct information they're going to receive is from a local attorney?  You'll get all kinds of answers, but nobody really knows unless they're from the same place you are and work in the legal profession.

  4. If the sales person authorized the check, then it would fall on them. the thing for them to do would be to prosecute the buyer who wrote the check, I think above 500.00 is a felony.

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