
Is it legal for a company to ask you to go to work during a tropical storm?

by  |  earlier

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I work for a traffic company and during my commute tropical strom Fey will be right over us, My management does not seem to care that I have to drive through the storm. Is this legal? I am not trying to get fired but I am not trying to kill my self getting to work.




  1. i'm in palm beach county now and i've been watching the weather report all night i don't want my husband to go to work tomorrow because of the weather they too do not seem to care about the weather but honestly it's not looking like it's going to be that big a deal and yes it is legal because there are no evacuations in place so looks like you and my hubby are making the drive tomorrow.......sorry

  2. Yes it is legal and if they choose to do so they can have you stay at your post until the storm has ended even if your shift has ended.~

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