
Is it legal for a company to force you to have direct deposit of your paycheck??

by  |  earlier

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Instead of issuing those who want a check...




  1. That is not illegal no, but it is a tactic that could be seen a bullying.

    Have you spoken to your company about that? If not, I reccomend you doing so.  

  2. Keep your head down and do whatever they want.

    In this economy you're lucky to even have a job.

  3. I'm pretty sure it's not. It's a way for them to save money. Welcome to the world of corporate greed.

  4. If its in the contract then yes.

    If you did not sign anything saying that you have to direct deposit of your paycheck then no

  5. I don't see why it would be illegal as long as they pay you on a regular basis. People without a checking or savings account can still get direct deposit these days, so it's pretty much a moot point.

  6. Probably.

    Even the government can force you to have direct deposit. In Washington State all welfare receipients have their cash benefits direct deposited to an account. So I imagine if the government can do it legally, so can a private employer.

  7. A lot of companies do that these days. Whats the big deal though? Most people have bank accounts and direct deposit is so handy. People who can't get a bank account due to a listing on chexsystems or other similar companies can use a prepaid debit card. Most of those have a direct deposit option.

  8. Yes, just ask all of the armed services. And heads up, expect to have to fight with the clerks every other paycheck.

  9. yes.  all things are negotiable, including the manner of pay.  If you have a contract the requires payment via some other means, you can enforce it,  Otherwise, all things are negotiable.  It is becoming more common with large employers as it saves the company a significant amount of money in manpower, lost checks, etc.

  10. The government requires direct deposit in many cases.  I know that in negotiating contracts for school employees that was often on the table by management, and although it as my preference, it wasn't for many people so we resisted it.  There are people out there who don't want their spouse to know what they make.  They can always open their own account someplace.  Had we agreed to the direct deposit, it would have happened.  They say it saves money once it is set up.  Just a few keystrokes can send payroll so long as there are no changes and make just those changes that are necessary and there it goes. No paper checks to buy, etc.  

    I do believe it is legal, although this is not a legal opinion as I am not a licensed attorney.  You can always go to the human resource officer or to payroll and ask about receiving a check, particularly if you don't have a checking or savings account.  However, I can't imagine anyone not having an account anymore.  It can go to a credit union or even to a money market checking account.  If you think of this in comparison to someone wanting cash rather than a check.  That is rarely done anymore.  Part of the reasons a company can do this is that it makes business sense and is a savings for them and so it is a reasonable restriction based on business decisions.  That is what will permit them to do this.  

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