
Is it legal for a cop to say he's a sergeant when he is not?

by  |  earlier

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asked officer to call for his sergeant as he just stopped me doing 51 in a 55mph. Officer said he was the sergeant and that no other superior was available. Called the precinct and they said he is just a patrol officer. even called 911 at the time and they told me, he had no supervisor available, we know they lied for this cop, but how do you handle such lies in court or otherwise?




  1. you committed another crime by calling 911.  misuse of 911 is a crime it is for life and death emergencies ONLY.

  2. There are situations when a sergeant is not available and an experienced patrolman is the supervisor during a shift. He may have been acting in the capacity of an 'Acting Sergeant'. It's a common practice amongst agencies.

  3. Call Al Sharpton because everybody else is getting tired of hearing the "race card" being played.

  4. Did he say he was a sgt or did he just say that no other supervisor is available. If he lied about being a sgt you could try to make him out to be a lier, but know that the whole thing was recorded (more then likely) so dont try a lie. It is not illegal for him to say that just in bad taste.

  5. your word against his.

    in the future, try to record the conversation on your phone. I haven't seen a cell phone yet that does'nt have a voice recorder.

    and it is permissible to secretly record a conversation as long as you are part on the conversation.

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