
Is it legal for a creditcard co. to charge you fees if you never activated the card?

by  |  earlier

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already had a card with them, they sent a second offer for another card i applied and got the card bt never activated it because they were gonna charge more interest on the second card. i never called to activate it!




  1. Activation is really a thing of the past especially with regular credit cards as opposed to department store cards. I'm sure if you look back in the fine print of your account agreement you will find that fees are applicable at x time. If in doubt give them a call and have them point it out for you.

  2. This happened to me. I never called to activate the card, and I then got an invoice for an annual fee. I called and complained and they reversed the charge and closed the account. So basically they opened the account without my permission. Who knows if it is legal, but they do it. They don't care, they just want your money. I would NEVER use a credit card that has an annual fee. There is no point.

    So if that happened to you, call and have them reverse it and cancel it.

  3. Yes.  Your account is open whether or not you activate the card.  Card activation is just a security feature.  If you don't want the account, you need to close it.

  4. It might be from the annual fee they charge. They are sneaky.

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