
Is it legal for a non-family member to rent a room in your house?

by Guest60785  |  earlier

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Our next door neighbors are letting non-family members rent their basement, and they have been there for about 6 months or longer now. I would like to know if it is legal or not.




  1. yes it is.  I rented a room in my condo to non-family members.

  2. They did it in That 70s Show

    Just messing around. It is THEIR property. They should be able to do whatever they want to on it.

  3. Yes. Perfectly.

  4. People do that all the time. I rent out my basement & have since I purchased my home 3 years ago. An owner can choose whoever they want to live in the home.

    Why are you so concerned? People across the country are struggling to keep their heads above water. It is really none of your business. If there were 20 or so people living there, that is a different story, there may be violations.

  5. Probably, if you register your house as a boarding house. However, your neighborhood may not be zoned for boarding houses.

  6. Check the zoning ordinances in your community.  Also, the Board of Health has occupancy limits for residential homes (so many sq.ft. per person).  If they are charging rent, they would have to be licensed.

    Also, according to most codes, sleeping areas in basements, are either not allowed, or they have to have their own direct exit from the building.

    Fire code compliance would have to be considered too.

  7. The only person that can file a complaint is the tenant.

    People have a right to have ANYONE they choose to live with them.

    It's none of your business.

  8. Be grateful that your neighbor is doing what it takes to keep their home.   A foreclosure next door will effect you a h**l of a lot more then a room being rented.

    You neighbor is helping the entire community by providing low cost housing, even if it is only one person, even one has an impact.

    And no, there is nothing illegal about renting a room and you do NOT need to be a boarding house, boarding houses have multiple renters.

  9. A roommate is usually allowed by the city.  What you describe is a basement apartment.  That is not considered a roommate. If you tell the city they won't allow it.  Most cities say that you can not have 5 unrelated people in one dwelling. /

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