
Is it legal for a plastic surgeon to perform a triple breast implant?

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If a girl wants to be unique and have 3, can she get them?




  1. I have worked as a cosmetic surgeons assistant.......and let me assure you-"Every man has his price"

    So I guess if you search long and hard enough you are bound to find someone desparate enough for the cash that they will do it.

  2. I doubt there are any laws forbidding that.  I also doubt you would find a reputable plastic surgeon who would be willing to do the surgery.  And would it really be worth the money to be "unique"?

  3. Probably not by a legal practitioner.

  4. That is a great idea. Models could be in their own "class" with the triples. A few questions linger though"

    Where does the extra nipple come from? A donation?

    What about clothing? She will need a tailor, could get expensive, unless you just use an Ace wrap to go all the way across.

    A guy only has two hands, so what to do? Oh never mind, I just thought of the answer as I was typing that.

    It sounds like a wonderful idea, very trendy. I just hope she never needs CPR, it would make things even more awkward.

    Perhaps in next next decade or two, we'll have the technology to do a quadruple, like a double Big Mac.

  5. i dont think he would because where exactly could he place it...

    and really who would want a 3rd breasT!!?


  6. If you have enough money, anything is possible. But it may not be illegal - but a respectable physician would refer her to a psychologist.

  7. It would be technically difficult, if you want all three in a line.  Number three might end up more abdominal.  There is a band of tissue in the middle that separates the right and left pockets when placing implants.  You'd end up with one big superboob if you destroyed that.

    Legal, sure.  Advisable, no.

    Somebody would be sure to try, though.  Look at Michael Jackson.  Somebody should have said "No" to him a long time ago.

  8. Depends on the country and its regulations, I suppose.

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