
Is it legal for a restaurant to pour unfinished drinks back into a community frozen margarita machine?

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A local restaurant has the best margaritas. However several patrons that I know say that they have seen them pour unifinished drinks back into the machine.




  1. Probably not legal, but certainly not sanitary.

  2. well those patrons should get fired and get their asses brutally kicked for that

  3. Gross, could make people very sick and highly illegal.

    I would suggest not going back there and reporting them to the health department. This really could make people very sick.

  4. Well thats totally a health code violation for sure.

    If people have seen drinks being poured into the machine by someone that gets this step stool and pours it in through the top then thats really bad but, there is a chance that they are just pouring the unfinished portion into the drip tray under the spout.  If thats the case its just going down a drain.  It would be pretty time consuming to get out a step stool and pour leftovers into the machine.  These machines usually only have one place that you can refill it.

  5. Thats what probably makes them taste the best! The flavor! lol

    If thats the case it would not necessarily be illegal, but they could be fined for health code violation. No inspector should let practices like that pass.

  6. Yuck ! Gross ! Yes it illegal . They are contaminating the mix, because who knows what is in it after a customer has had it. They need to be shut down, and get a surprise inspection.

  7. Not legal, not sanitary and not good business practices.

    If you are sure that this is true, you can file a complaint with the health department in your area.

  8. If you have ever worked or been a restaurant where this is their practice, report them to the board of health of the city or town you live in now!!

    It is very unhealthy, who would do such a thing? They already made money off the drink, whether or not the person drinks it is their perrogative. You don't dump it back in the machine to become mixed w/ the other batch.... absolutely gross!

  9. I don't know about legalities but that practice is totally gross and unsanitary, and I know restos can get closed down for poor sanitary measures.

  10. no

  11. It's definitely not legal but on the same note it's actually not as bad as it sounds.  The alcohol content of a margarita in conjunction with the cold temperatures are going to make it nigh impossible for anything dangerous (or even harmless really) to grow in the mixture.  I wouldn't drink it on principle but it's really only gross at the worst.  I'd personally be more wary of people that like to toss trash in their glass after they're done, could wind up with something sharp in your digestive track which would really suck.

  12. NO, it is a violation of many health codes, and it presents a risk of many diseases to all patrons. Call the health department ASAP.

  13. Gross. Totally illegal.

  14. I have been in the food and beverage business all my life and I strongly believe that this is all rumor run amuck.  

    First of all, no owner would ever risk his reputation, and very expensive liquor license by ordering his emplyees to do such a thing.   Second, employees would never take it on themselves to do such a thing, as it would profit them in no way to do it.  

    A possible explanation is that an employee may have poured an untouched pitcher back into the machine and a customer "assumed" something on his own, and each time it was repeated someone added to the story, which is how these things get started.

    A lie is the hardest thing you can try to defend.

    I simply doubt the story is true.

  15. Report this first to the restaurant general manager (who may not know what his/her bar manager is allowing).

    If the unsanitary practice continues, then report it to (1) your local health department (2) the district attorney's office (3) and local media.  Be sure to let the mangement of the restaurant know that they have been reported, and that they are under investigation.

    Please do not allow this to continue!!

    Good luck!!

  16. Ewww ... no!  Call your local heath department.  Who knows what kind of diseases or bacteria they're sharing with everyone.  The alcohol will kill some things, but not everything.

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