
Is it legal for an 18 year old to posses a handgun in his home in California?

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I am 18 years old in California, is it legal for me to posses a handgun (in my home) which is registered to my 21 year old brother whom does not live with me?

Also, would it be legal for me to posses an unregistered handgun in my home in California?




  1. no its not illigal... your 18 and capable of buying ur own gun so there for its not illigal but u might get them guns registered under ur name but it dont matter as long as u dont do somethin stupid with them  

  2. OMG I certainly hope NOOOOOTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You and just about every other 18 year old in California and everywhere else are lazy shiftless idiots and the ones that aren't really have no intention of getting a firearm.  Now do me a favor and clean up the house before your parents wake up.

  3. Second Amendment is your strongest defense. Now, a word of caution, do not ever go outside the property lines. Once you do this, the state can slap a felony on you and you'll be screwed for life.

    Now, I have a tactical holster strap-ted to my leg, and carried my Springfield armory XD-40. I carried it on me every time I was at work. I got harassed by the local San Diego cops but I told them to go s***w themselves. During that period of time I was under age. A state has no jurisdiction to regulate anyone on private land.

    You'll be fine, just DO NOT go outside the property lines with it.

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