
Is it legal for employer to forbid bottled water while working.?

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I work in a health care facility. Just recently our employer has started a rule that we are not allowed to have any beverages while we are working. No soda, nothing from home, no bottled water. It is warm where we work. It is a very physical job. Everyone is upset about this. There is no risk of a contagion that would make it dangerous to drink fluids while we work. They have been taking our drinks, even our personal bottles from home and throwing them away. This new rule applies to only the 1st and 2nd shift. Employees on 3rd shift have no restrictions. I think they want to reduce clutter that might be seen by visitors. Instead of clutter from people trying to stay hydrated, visitors are going to see hot, thirsty employees. What do you think of this?




  1. I hope this is illegal. It is impossible don't drink any water!

  2. I am not positive, but i think it should be illegal. It's rediciulous to have your water taken away because, what if something happened and you got a heat stroke or died?

  3. I work in a nursing home to! That is so messed up! I would look into it, we work very hard at our jobs and should be aloud to drink. If they don't want the clutter they need to make you space to put your stuff. Call the laybor board. See what they have to say.

  4. How can one work at a health care facility, and use a beverage bottle and not risk infection?  I would also assume there are sinks and disposable cups or water fountains available in your facility as well.

      A water/soda/ bottle is taming with germs from mouth, nose and hands.  It has no place in a health care facility or food prep area.

      And yes this is perfectly legal, in fact in more and more states it is now the law.

  5. I think it is very unfair. The new rule should be for all shifts or none. Do they at least have a water fountain?

  6. if you dont have access to water by another means i would say its illegal.if there is a drinks fountain or kitchen available then you may not have a leg to stand on

  7. It depends on what state you live in, but in many states it is literally illegal to deny a person the right to water.

  8. Maybe you should try this question in the Law and Ethics section. I would also suggest consulting a lawyer,or just looking for another job. Your workplace sounds really bad to me.

  9. If it is warm where you work, and there is no risk of contagion, as well as no electrical hazard, and the rule only applies to 2 of 3 shifts, you have the legal right to continue drinking water on the job.

  10. I think you should contact OSHA to see what the regulations are. I use to work at a medical clinic/hospital and we could have water in bottles with s***w tops and coffee in a closeable cup. No cans or open glasses. This was to reduce spillage. And the receptionist in front were to keep it next to their computer, out of patient's view as much as possible. The nurses and doctors would have bottles on their desks but not in the exam rooms.

    Plus a company that makes changes, it has to be for ALL people, all shifts, employees and managers. And the company has to have trash bins for paper recycling, plastic recycling and then trash.

    I think it healthier and safer to have employees have bottles instead of cups and having to drink from water fountains. Anything to reduce spreading germs and avoiding spillage is a must.

    Truely, you and other employees need to contact OSHA or speak to the highest person in the company.

  11. I seriously doubt there is a specific law stating thats its illegal for the emplyer to do this.even it there were it would be across the board and not just a specific shift.its unfair i agree.if you belong to a union i would think something could be done.if not its the companys discretion to make thier own policy.if you have access to drinking water they are meeting osha standards.

  12. I think working in a health care facility that forbids employees to drink water is definitely a health care facility that I dont ever want to go to!

    I dont know about the legalities, but as for intellect it is completely wrong! Gawd, all the current science shows that people who are adequately hydrated have better concentration, are less irratable, and have less "down time" due to illness...Just print out a whole bunch of findings and leave it on the head honchos desk with a warning that these as well as the order given regarding water will be sent to your local government, equal opportunities board, and ombudsman!

    I have entered a few sites to help you out..the last one is directed at health care professionals, and has a lot of valuable information in it.

  13. I think that has got to be wrong, I would complain if its not going to get you into to much trouble....

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