
Is it legal for landlord not to let you in apt. if you forget your keys?

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Is there any legal grounds for a landlord to refuse to let you in your apartment if you forget your keys? If you forget your cans and you ask him / her to let you know in the apartment, can he do this?




  1. No, he has to provide you access.  If not, he's technically locking you out.  

  2. He can refuse but it's strange to do so. We had an apt for 30 years and let our tenants in time and time again. Sounds like you have a bad relationship with the landlord.

  3. Yes, he can not let you in. In the three apartments I lived in each time I signed the lease I was told that if I get locked out of the apartment that it was not the their (property management's) responsibility to unlock the door so that I can get back in and should I lock myself out to call a locksmith. That was one of the terms of the lease.

    Now, if he/she changed the locks and refused you access and assuming you've been paying your rent and haven't violated the lease (like having too many pets or causing unreasonable damage)  then you start treading into legality issues. Best of luck.

  4. They are supposed to open the door for you, sometimes they do charge, Ex: My mom pays a lock out fee of $5.00.

  5. When you rent an apartment you are given the EXCLUSIVE right to possess the premises and everything in it, minus whatever limited right the landlord may have to enter during an emergency or other reasons written into the agreement.  There is generally no reason a landlord would ever need a key to your apartment, although many keep a copy so as to avoid delay during an emergency.

  6. Of course not, why would he want to do that?  Is he trying to get you to move out?

  7. He doesn't have to be bothered by your forgetfulness.

    so what the rest of the free world does when you forget or loose your keys..

    Call a locksmith.

  8. It certainly helps if you have a way of proving that you are, indeed, you. ID is better than American Express. Never leave home without it. They are certainly legally justified in not letting you in if you can't prove you live there, but several questions and having them walk with you into the place should help sort that out.

    If they still refuse and I were the tenant, I would get law enforcement involved.

  9. They can charge you a "lock-out" fee. Especially if it was some ungodly hour.

    You would need to be on the lease also, if you are an unauthorized (not on the lease) roommate, no they don't have to let you in.

  10. no! you should show ur i.d. or else call your attorney.! that's how i do it

  11. No, its not legal. You might need to show an ID to prove that you live in that apartment but they cant deny you access of your place.  

  12. assuming that he has keys, you might have to wait until it is convenient.  On the other hand, he met his obligation when he initially gave you keys and the right to use the place.  What you do after that is your business.

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