
Is it legal for my landlord to shut off my water because my rent is late?

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I live in Texas. My water bill isn't even due yet and my rent was only 10 days late when he threatened to shut off my water. I paid him some of the rent and he is coming for the rest in a few days but I'll still be short. I am a single mother with 2 small children living with me in the house. I'm really scared because there is nowhere for me and my children to go if we have no water. Somebody please help.




  1. He can get in  a lot of trouble turning off your water. he can do it when a judge tells him.  He could be fined a lot of money if he turns it off.  Get a video camera and tape the water not being on and have a copy of that day's newspaper so you can tell the date.  You will win a lot of money in court.

  2. In most states this is not legal.  You need to solve your financial problems.

  3. In Florida this would be illegal, but you should check the landlord tenant act in Texas and see what can be done. Since you are ten days late with the rent the landlord should have given you an eviction notice.

  4. The information that I found in my state that legally a landlord CANNOT turn off water, heat, ect. Maybe you can do a little research and call legal aid as soon as possible.  

  5. I agree with all here.  You should dispute it.  

    However, if you can't make rent on time, you need to find a man who can help you.  You can also consider moving in with "mama" or "gradnmama" until you get real enough "working cash" to avoid dicey situations like these.  

    Remember, every other bill can be late BUT RENT!  Rent must be paid.  No exception.

  6. yea

  7. If you read the link provided it states:

    "He may not disconnect water, wastewater or gas for non-payment of rent."

    So, no, your landlord cannot shut off your water. That would be a constructive eviction.

    Your landlord needs to follow Texas landlord/tenant laws and go through with an eviction through the courts.

    I'm sorry but late rent in unpaid rent. You need to take care of the amount owed ASAP. If you cannot afford to live in the landlord's property, move out. If you force the landlord to evict you, you are going to have an impossible time finding a rental in the future.

  8. He must meet certain conditions in your state and I found a link for texas landlord tenant rights please check it out. I hope you and your children are able to correct this situation.

  9. Check out the below source, it seems that the landlord can cut off the electricity when rent is late so I assume water would be the same.  In the heat though you can call the health department about your electricity or water being shut off.  

  10. if your in Dallas texas call WFAA TV  or call the the Dallas morning news and see if they can help you there are out reach program is  dallas too lancaster out reach and church program TOO  that help with the rent and your  ELECTRIC BILL AND FOOD IF  YOU NEED IT Good Luck hun

  11. assuming water is included with rent, it may not be legal to turn off the water.  call someone with the city or town you live in, or a renter's rights group.

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