
Is it legal for some one to abandon an 89 year old woman and make them pay their mortgage?

by Guest33233  |  earlier

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My grandmother paid to have a room edition added to my uncle's house (she wanted to move back in the home she owned for so many years after living with my mother). This situation has been great for the last few years, she helps out with a few bills and has someone to look over her, until he met someone. She has two teenage daughters (he has one son) and the home is too small. It makes for cramped living space in approx. 1200 sq. feet and six people. My grandmother has stated how she is unhappy with the living situation, so instead of his girlfriend finding her own place, he has decided to move with her, they have no plans of getting married, he is fifty years old and should make more mature decisions. He told my grandmother that she would have to pay the mortgage now and the bills, her name isn't on the mortgage. Is this legal? she will not be able to pay it. Is this a form of abandonment? we have suggested options for her, she doesn't want to leave that house. He isn't selling the house or filling to rent it. What, if anything could, be done?




  1. Depending on what State you live in, Adult Protective Services may be able to help her and it may very well be illegal for your uncle to abandon her without having made alternate arrangements for her care or at minimum, alerting Adult Protective Services that she needed looking after. By letting her live there, he assumed the role of caregiver. He can't simply walk away from it without at least alerting Adult Protective Services.

    You might also try contacting churches in the area and other elder advocacy groups. Somebody needs to step in and rescue your Grandmother.

  2. The mortgage is not in her name so she is not responsible to pay it. When she added the room addition she did not have a contract with your uncle (I am guessing) so she is out the money she paid for the addition. If she wants electricity and water until the house if foreclosed on she will have to pay it herself. He can kick her out if he wants to. She can take him to small claims court to recoup some of the money she spent but there is no guarantee that she will get any money back since there was not signed agreement. I understand that she doesn't want to leave, but it sounds like she has no choice unless she pays the mortgage and bills.

  3. I'm almost positive that isn't illegal. (:

  4. morally bankrupt...but legal

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