
Is it legal for the birthmother to take back the baby after giving it up??

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also give me some information or stories about adoption and then having the birthmother or biological mother trying to take it back after you paid lots of money for the baby>>>




  1. In most states, there is a certain period, generally ranging from 72 hours to 30 days in which the birthmother is free to change her mind and reclaim her rights. However, after this point she has no legal ground to reclaim the child except potentially if it could be proven that she signed over her rights under EXTREME duress, or some other extraordinary circumstance. This type of situation would be incredibly rare. As for the rest of your question, you might want to be careful how you word it because when you choose to adopt you are NOT paying "lots of money for the baby"!!! Babies are not goods to be sold (unless you are talking about the black market in human trafficking in which case you have a serious problem!) If you adopt privatelty, as in through a private agency or lawyer, you will likely pay a lot of money, tens of thousands depending on the circumstances, but this is not money to buy the baby with, this is money that is paid in exchange for the agencies and lawyers labors and expenses (ex: costs of advertising to find birthmothers, costs of making proper counseling available to birthmothers, cost of legal fees, court costs, etc.) If you adopt from foster care the expenses are actually very minimal, and sometimes elimintaed in special needs cases. In either case, make sure you don't look at the process of adoption  as buying a child. If you do everything properly the adoption is secure and final as soon as the 72hr-30day right of recision period ends.

  2. once you give a baby up for adoption it is final no law will allow you to get it back you might be getting mixed up with surrogates when a couple pay a women to have  a baby for them and she changes her mind

  3. After it is finalized there is nothing you can do. Now if you do a private adoption and pay her medical and lving expenses she has every right to change her mind when the child is born and not have to pay the PAP a singel cent. Complete legal.  Now if she gives the baby up she still has a  peroid to change her mind which varies by state from 48hrs to 30 days

  4. it depends on the situation and the court

  5. the birth mother can not have the baby after giving it up because i don't know if you know that but the mother has 24 hour''s to make a decision rather stick with baby or given it up for adoption even she goes  to court to have the custody of the children she cannot because she had a certain among of time of thinking  about it you know , so i hope that i help you bye!

  6. ALLOT Of people here think others PAY for baby's ,

    Its not true .if you go thru a church or other private ways You do not pay for them ,,and the MOTHER DOES NOT GET A DIME ,,

    The answer is no You will find it hard to get the little one back

    And have you thought about the other parents that have taken care of that child and LOVED IT And it loves them They have made a bond I think it cruel to try to take a baby away from the adoptive parents I know I had one

    The parents did A PERFECT job of raising her and now we have a loving relationship

    she understands why I could not keep her

    I know not all stories end this way

    I just wish they would

    Yes to adoption No to abortion

  7. There is a revocation period for the birthmother. If she signs and the revocation period has passed and termination has been done then no she cannot get the baby back. Depends on the state that she lives in as to how long the revocation period is. Every state is different. Some are 24 hours, 48 hours, 30 days, 60 days, etc. It depends also on how the adoption is handled as well. If it is through an agency it could only be hours, but if it is private it could be days. I think you would need to research the revocation period for the state in which you are talking about. I think a little more info is needed here to answer appropriately.

  8. It all depends on the state. Some places you can go in front of a judge and see if you can get your rights back. I know in the state of Florida once the papers are signed there is no turning back.

  9. there is a possibility. but what selfishness to do so. I put my 2nd daughter up for adoption in Feb. of 07. She is now 1 year old and I would never consider taking her back from the people who have her, she is loved very very much and they adore her. In my case, if i wanted to, I could go through the Indian Nation I and my daughter's belong to. Something about a right made from the 1970's. I'm glad that i considered adoption, she is well taken care of and It would have been selfish of me not to do so, to not give her a better life than what she deserved. My 2 year old daughter and I are doing wonderful! She see's her little sister all the time online, the adoption is very open. I love it!

  10. It depends on what state the adoption took place, and what kind of paperwork was done.  I did an open adoption in California. The agency I used to adopt my son uses what is called a relinquishment.  The birth mother signs the relinquishment a few days after she is released from the hospital. They want to make sure she is not on any medication or pain pills, etc.  Once she signs that form, even though we have the baby in our home, the custody of the baby actually belongs to the state of California.  The mother can not take back custody ever.  During the next 6 months that the state has legal custody they will come to our home a few times to check on the baby etc.  After 6 months were up, we went to the courts to file the final paperwork, and everything was finalized.  

    So no the mother can not take the baby back after she signs the paperwork.

  11. if you go through a lawyer and have everything signed and sealed i would say no.  

    if you go through the black market then anything goes.

    i think the best way is to go through an adoption agency.

  12. In adoption there is a period called the reclaim period. It can last from a few days to a few months. I think up to 6months in some places, the time period varies from state to state. In  this time frame birthparents can change their mind and get their birthchild back.  Now if the window to reclaim has closed then  only if it is proven that the adoption was not done right or the birthfather did not ok  it  nor was there any attempt to contact him.

  13. Well that's what happens when you pay lots of money for a baby.  You shouldn't be buying babies, they are not a commodity.  You might pay for services regarding the adoption, but to actually pay for a baby is illegal.

  14. it depends where u live and the birthmother would also have to go through the whole court process

  15. >>>>>>> after you paid lots of money for the baby>>>>>>

    are you buying or selling????

  16. 2 Points.

    Shouldn't Give the baby up, if you wanted 2 keep it...


  17. It depends on the state.  

    My 14 niece just had a baby and she decided to give up the baby for adoption.  After having the baby she changed her mind.  There was a long custody battle and she ended up losing (she has visitation rights though). This happened in Virginia.

    I know in California the birth mother could get her child back before six months. Like I said before it depends on the state.

    Contact a lawyer in your area and do your research.

    Good Luck.

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