
Is it legal in NY for someone to go through your trash?

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Is it legal in NY for someone to go through your trash?




  1. Courts have decided that once you set something outside for the "trashman" you have no reason to expect privacy.

  2. In NJ it's illegal to go through your trash until it is co-mingled with the other garbage in the trash truck.  Police in NJ have to obtain a search warrant to go through your trash even if it is placed at the curb.  I know this is Jersey law, but I'm not sure if NY law is similar or not.

  3. Yes it is

  4. Scavenging on its own is not a crime, but if looking for 'something' in particular this practise could be considered contrived (e.g. stalking, harassment) and one might then become incriminated for separate crimes.

  5. Yes it is legal.  

  6. Yes it is, once you throw your possessions to the curb in New York, it becomes fair game. There is no trash can laws in the State of New York

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