
Is it legal in your country to overtake on the left (if your country drives to the left)?

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Two situations:

1. Overtaking by moving to the next left lane,


2. Overtaking in the same lane.




  1. I live in Ireland and we drive on the left.

    It is illegal to over take on the left. I am 100% sure of this because my brother failed his driving test because a car over took him using a bus lane. His examiner failed him because he should have been in the bus lane (he didn't go into it as he did not know if it was in force at that time of the day) and by not driving on it he encouraged another road user to pass him on the left hand side and thus break the law.

    Here, if there is a road with more than one lane like a motorway, then you have to drive in the left hand lane if that is possible. The right hand lane is for overtaking.

    I don't know how you could over take in the same lane. If the car in front is moving right and moves to the right hand and there is enough room to squeeze by then yes, you can pass them.

  2. It would be illegal to do this....

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