
Is it legal in your country to use a hand held mobile phone while you are driving?

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This is not legal in Australia. Also, it is a dangerous practice.




  1. it's illeagal in California, but people still do it. I've even seen police officers do it!

  2. Unfortunately, It is legal in most areas of the U.S. I wish they would make it a federal law prohibiting cell phone useage here. Those idiots who use them cause so many problems while they drive.

  3. Several states in the USA are passing laws that make it illegal to use a hand-held phone while driving.  I expect it to be illegal in all states within another few years.

  4. As stated above it is legal in about 80% of the United States but if the laws get passed and the people wise up it should be illegal by 2009 for all states..........

  5. Here in the USA, unfortunately...yes. I wish it was illegal.

  6. I'm from Romania and most cars here in Romania have manual you need to concentrate on changing gears and not on talking to other people on the phone....and, for example, if it were legal, and your mother would call you to tell you that your brother died, and you would answer that call.....wouldn't this call affect your driving? wouldn't you be more susceptible to having an accident?

  7. Only when you are calling your husband to see what he wants for his dinner or your lover to ask where to meet and when OR if you are a 4 wheeled off road driver/ white van man and then no laws apply to you

  8. Handphone driving is an inconsiderate and dangerous act that poses a threat to road users. This act distracts driver and reduces their ability to control their vehicles and to react to changes in road situations. This puts pedestrians and motorists at risk.

    It is a traffic offence here in Singapore. The offender shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $1,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both, and, in the case of a second or subsequent conviction, to a fine not exceeding $2,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months or to both.

    In addition to the higher fine and the current 12 demerits points, Traffic Police will apply to the court for the handphone to be forfeited.

    The courts here in Singapore may also disqualify the offender's driving licence and subsequently suspend the offender from obtaining a new licence for a maximum of three years.

    Pretty severe but the number of road traffic collisions involving phone driving is staggering enough and has caused many avoidable deaths.

  9. Not here in Malaysia as well, matey. They're even considering banning the use of hands-free kit as well! This is because 2/3 of the vehicles in Malaysia are manual transmission, so concentration is most needed during driving.

  10. It is a crime and is illegal here, in Pakistan. Unfortunately, people still do it here without realizing that it is hazardious to there own life. (For Gods sake people!!! what are you crazy or something that you do understand this much??)

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