
Is it legal or illegal?

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legal or illegal in xecuting a fly by during the busy day at the airport




  1. It's illegal unless you have filed for permission to do it in advance and have been granted said permission.

    It's also really really silly.

  2. As the others have said illegal.

    Just ask the pilot who did it in a Boeing 777, he got fired. For putting his passengers, fellow crew members, ground crew and civilians at risk, it seems he was asked to do it, something he may well regret for the rest of his life.

  3. definitly illegal but fun not really im joking itds definitely illegal

  4. Illegal and ill-advised.

  5. Happens quite a bit, especially at busy airports...The "fly-by" is called a missed approach and usually caused by an unclear runway or very bad weather...The pilot just has to let approach control or the tower know what's going on...If the pilot does not declare his/her intentions, that's a no-no.

  6. Illegal at any time of the day and you will not get any type of permission from them..........................

  7. No problem if you have permission from the tower, but they are unlikely to give you permission if they are busy with other traffic.

  8. Of course, it is illegal for any fly-by without clearance from the Airport Authorities.  Common sense dictates that safety is of paramount consideration for your self (as a responsible pilot) and especially for others, like your passengers and the other planes about to take off and land.

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