
Is it legal to 'beatup' theives when they are on your property?

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Is it legal to 'beatup' theives when they are on your property?




  1. Depends on the country and it depends on you.

    I am 35 y/o 6'3", 250lbs, can bench 300lbs, run 10 miles and spent time in prisons both here and in Africa. I was divorced and I miss my kids.

    Nobody tries to rob me. I lived in Africa and South America for many years. Maybe I have that Al Bundy look going for me.

    If you catch a theif and beat him good there is no problem except in Islam countries because there the sky is orange and the sea is purple. If you are in a country with sensible laws (all of Europe and the W. Hemisphere) it would be OK.

    If you are in Saudi Arabia and the crook was the kings brothers 14th wifes sisters brother. Prepare to be beaten with sticks and have your head chopped off with an axe. He could be standing in the audience wearing the shirt he stole from you.

  2. beating up someone comes under assult. So no.

  3. Check your local laws. Some states you can shoot thieves others you cant even as they are leaving with your proptery. One thief sued a homeowner who had shot him while trying to make off with his television!

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