
Is it legal to SMOKE (not buy) cigarettes under the age of 18?

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Is it illegal to smoke under the age of 18?

I know you can't legally buy cigarettes until 18 years of age. But can you legally smoke under the age of 18?

Probably a stupid question, but I've seen kids under 16 smoking out in the open and nothin was ever done.




  1. yes it is illegal they probably just looked close to 18 and if you go and stop everyone that looks like they might be underage you wouldn't get anywhere

  2. Colorado just passed a law that it is illegal to possess them at all unless you are 18

  3. dont SMOKE!!!! they should be illegal.............. kill people every day

  4. Well i dunno where u live but i live in Ireland and here you have to be 18 to buy smokes but its perfectly legal for an under 18year old to smoke them i think its generally the same in other Western countries too

  5. why would you want to smoke. Its poison out of a stick

  6. No. If you can't buy 'em, you can't smoke 'em. The cops CAN issue citations if they catch you smoking. I know a few people who got one when I was in high school.

  7. nope not legal at all.

    if you can't buy it, then you can't smoke it.

  8. NO

    it is also illegal for an adult to provide cigarettes to a minor.

  9. Yes it is legal. It is not legal to buy cigarettes unless you are 18+.

  10. Not sure about laws where you are but yes here if a minor is caught smoking they can be arrested.  It use to be just illegal to buy them but about 8 years ago i think it was something like that they added the law that it is illegal to even smoke if under 18.  They try to handle it just like if you drink alcohol under 21 but with so many teens out there and smoking and the other crimes it is hard for them to catch all the teens smoking.

  11. ~Yes.  If it is illegal to buy it is illegal to smoke....

    and it's a disgusting habit that should be banned completely!

  12. Kids smoke under 18.  I don't think there's a legal age when you can smoke and every kid tries them.

  13. I don't think it is. I think it's the same as alcohol.

  14. Illegal to smoke we had a rule from the government, saying that if any body smoke under 18 age ill be fined Rs 500/- form police.

  15. yes its illegal

  16. i know in australia it's not illegal to smo0ke under the age of 18 only illegal to buy or steal them so its kind of a twisted law that in a way it illegal to obtain them from any means but ur can smoke them wat the

  17. Let's just say this if the cops catch yah you go to juvie? Also I really don't think it says that you can't smoke if u're under 18, u just have 2 be 18 2 buy them?

  18. yes, you have to be

  19. yes, because your health, if you smoke you will die young

  20. I think it depends on the state. I was caught smoking at 16 by the cops. They wrote me a ticket and called my parents. I am now a non-smoker though.

  21.'s legal.

    Because of the huge revenues generated by cigarettes cigars and tobacco products and their related industries (ashtrays, lighters, matches, packaging, transport, etc.) governments cannily devised a way to keep the anti-smoking people happy...while at the same time doing their best NOT to negatively affect tobacco consumption....and the subsequent revenues. cannot buy them. can smoke them.

    Parasitic...or what???

  22. Yes.. people say if you smoke around your parents then it's not but if it's illegal to buy before the age of 18, then most def it's illegal to smoke.

  23. yes it is illegal, the reason why the 16 year old smokers don't get caught is because the cigarettes have probably already aged them so they look older...not that that is a good excuse to smoke

  24. Yes it is illegal for them to smoke if they are under 18. A lot of people just look the other way .. cops too. But it IS illegal. Same as drinking .. only people are more serious when it comes to drinking underage.

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