
Is it legal to ask someone if they have a green card?

by  |  earlier

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This person was working on her garden and a woman from down the street admired it. They talked a little about the garden, then asked her if she was Mexican. She said she was. Then the woman from down the street asked her if she had a green card.

Does the woman have the right to ask?




  1. 1st Amendment states she has that right.

  2. Not very polite but its legal...the Mexican should of asked the lady if she had one

  3. it is legal, she  does not have the authority to give her/him the order to show her/his green card, just a federal agent or employer can ask you for that. although she can always call a border patrol agent to review your status in usa.

    although, if the person doing the garden does not hava problem showing her the green card then she always have the right to show it to anyone she wants.

  4. What's racist about it-most Mexicans in the US are illegal so it's a legitimate question although I would never do it.

  5. Depends on who you are.

    If you work for the government, no it's not. In fact, many unions have sued the government for sending out mismatch social security notices because it's discriminatory.

  6. I don't see why the woman couldn't ask if she had a green card.  But, in my opinion I think it is pretty forward and kind of rude to ask.  It is really none of her business and kind of predjudice towards the citzenship issue. She should leave the poor woman alone and let her enjoy her gardening.  Only my opinion!

  7. Yeah its legal but rude. If I was the Mexican woman I'd tell her to f*** off and mind her own business.

  8. Is it legal, yes. Does she have the right? NO. Why is that her business? Asking someone if they have a green card simply because they are Mexican is like asking someone if they are in a gang or have been in prison because they have tattoos. It is the rudest thing I have ever heard.

  9. i can see taht if the woman had a green card and got offended easily she might take it as harassment and maybe even sue for harassment, whether she won the case or not would depend on their lawyers though and whether she could prove the woman was a racist. i think it would be rude to ask a complete stranger taht way, but everyone has their moments when the act a little dumb .

  10. I don't know why she wouldn't


  11. It's rude, racist, and ignorant, but legal.  Just as legal as replying, "that's none of your business."  or... "do YOU have one?"  

    That lady is an idiot and ignorant.

  12. Freedom of speech is one of our most basic rights.  She can say anything she pleases.  Likewise, the Mexican woman can answer or not as she pleases.  Nosy, perhaps, but not even rude in the context of two neighbors chatting.

  13. Its rude. But legal.

  14. I don't think its aloud. Someone can report you. A police officer can't even ask for one. So I don't think so.

  15. Yeah.  What harm can it do?!  Do you have a drivers license?  Or a Social Security card?

    It could be rude to assume they don't but you can ask.

  16. Let me explain it this way. There is nothing that says you can't ask. But if the person refuses to answer, there is nothing you can do about it.

    So to condense the answer, its not a matter of "right to ask". But  really its more of a matter of "need to know". The outside person had no need to know, unless of course that outside person was going to hire that Gardener.

    In my situation, I wouldn't hire the gardener if I suspected that the person was here illegally.

  17. if its not, it should be. no different than officer asking for a drivers license, or proof of insurance. or a voters poll asking for voters registration card. either you belong or you don,t. yes its fair.

  18. No but its offensive.

    Please answer my question:;...

  19. She does.

    She also has the right to request to see it.

  20. You can certainly ask it's not illegal to, but my goodness it is highly offensive.  The only way it can turn illegal is if the person asking is being aggressive and harassing on many different levels but this all leads to other things.  So to answer your question, no it is not illegal just embarrasingly rude.

  21. There is nothing Illegal nor rude about. As a homeowner i think she has the right to know! Maybe she was considering hiring her? If the lady was legal whats the big deal? If she wasn't it should be her responsibility to report not only the illegal but the person hiring her.

    Lets not put our heads in the sand either she was a Mexican doing gardening......i think its safe to say asking would be a legitimate question?

  22. She can ask whatever she wants.  She is not a government agent, and the other person has no obligation to answer.

    Remember that you don't need a green card to work in the US, all you need is a work visa.

  23. in america LUCKILY, we have freedom of speech. it is legal to say what you want(except to law enforcement officers). its a matter of respect whether or not to say certain things to certain people.

  24. Darn that freedom of speech! there is no law that says you cant ask.but how rude?has she no shame?

    to answer the question she has no right to ask unless she is ICE.and my guess is she isnt,so no.

  25. guess its ok kinda nosy funny if she had

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